You are all now in the process of uncovering your awareness of your true nature.
April 2, 2021
(John Smallman)
There are, as you cannot avoid noticing, enormous changes of a most impactful nature occurring worldwide at present – of course, there is only the Present/Presence – that are a major aspect of humanity’s collective awakening process. The good news of Love is flowing into people’s awareness as never before in your human history, partly as a result of the massive increase in cognizance worldwide of the Oneness of humanity and of all life forms on your beautiful Planet Earth, which your modern travel abilities and electronic means of communication have made it increasingly possible for you to observe, study, and enjoy far beyond any way that was previously possible. Knowing other nationalities, ethnicities, cultures, philosophies, and the multitude of various ways in which these can be expressed and lived, has brought about a great openness to the wonder that is life.
Awareness is the key. Before mass travel and mass communication was possible, the vast majority of humans lived in rather closed societies, distrustful of strangers – who often came in war or conflict – and viewed other living styles or practices as wrong! The right way to live was the way you were brought up, other upbringings were wrong and dangerous. This very narrow set of belief systems was very divisive, which was of course the precise intent when the separation experience was constructed. When the collective chose to construct, enter into it, and engage with it, God instantly provided the means for you to bring it to an end, but, of course She had given you free will, and what God gives is never withdrawn. So She has been lovingly waiting for you to collectively change your mind about your desire for separation, and then choose to awaken into Reality once more. This has been ongoing for a number of centuries – although even a long number of centuries are like but the briefest of possible moments, merely an almost totally invisible speck – and the results are clearly visible now to those who choose to look and see.
And people are looking, and are seeing! Humanity is now fully engaged in its most magnificent awakening. It is a process that has been chosen very decisively by the human collective, and it is irreversible! Your progress through this process has accelerated enormously since the beginning of the year 2021, and will continue to do so simply because it is the collective intent, and that intent is intensifying daily.
As more and more humans let go of their doubts about the Reality of our infinitely loving Source, Mother/Father/God, any uncertainty they may have nurtured or clung to about their inseparability from Source is diminishing. Truly awareness is also growing that absolutely no-one is, or ever could be, in any way at all unworthy of God’s infinite Love for them. And this makes total sense, because, as you know deep within yourselves, there is only Love. As a result, many who have been going through an abundance of “stuff” over the last year or so, particularly since the start of this year – and setting the intent to acknowledge, thank and release it – are now feeling far, far freer within themselves, and are most wisely choosing to treat themselves with love, honor, and respect, thus making it finally possible for them to truly honor and respect others, instead of just attempting to do so, perhaps even grudgingly and resentfully.
You are opening your hearts to Love on a massive scale worldwide, and, as I told you before, the evidence of this is most clearly visible to those who choose – and you are never without choices – to look, see, and then rejoice in the wonder of It.
This is the most significant moment ever for one to be incarnate on Earth assisting in the awakening process. There is no-one presently incarnate who did not sign up precisely in order to participate most fully in this magnificent unfoldment of Love. It is an unfoldment that has been in place since the moment in which the separation experiment was initially engaged with, ready to initiate in the instant in which the collective made the choice to terminate the experiment, finally realizing that it had never, even for the initial brief moment in which it was constructed, been a sensible or sane idea.
You are all now in the process of uncovering your awareness, your full awareness of your true nature, and this is inspiring, uplifting, and empowering you vastly, because your are indeed VAST BEINGS of Love, of Light, fully and completely integrated with Source, eternally. Joy is yours, and you are rightfully claiming it NOW!
Your loving brother, Jesus.
Awareness of your True Nature | Jesus via John Smallman
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/03/2021 12:41:00 AM