Too small….
By Steve Beckow, April 13, 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
We wouldn’t try to drain spaghetti through a tea strainer. The tea strainer is too small. The spaghetti would fall over the side. The strainer could not hold it.
By the same token, when we look at divine states like peace, love, and bliss, I don’t think we can appreciate, understand, or know them when looking at them from this Third/Fourth Dimensional mind.
Our 3/4D mind is simply not big enough, expansive enough to allow us to encounter these states as they are.
The energies will be rising high enough to have us begin to experience them at some point in the future. Then the cat’ll be out of the bag.
We may see that we’ve had momentary glimpses of them. We may find that we experience wisps of them but then dismiss them as the result of momentary thoughts – rather than a divine state coming calling.
“No, I’m not ready yet to surf that wisp into a sea of bliss. Such a thing is not in my memory banks or spiritual inbox.” And away bliss goes, to come again another day.
In the time of my writing this article, bliss has come calling. And, knowing what it is and what can happen, I welcome it and invite it to stay.
In response, it expands and I say I am “uplifted” by it. Immediately I drop everything and simply rest in it.
But that’s the problem. Resting in bliss, one doesn’t want to do anything.
It’s more than not wanting. All thought of doing anything simply vanishes from a mind filled with bliss.
How does the world look from this angle? I couldn’t say. I have no thoughts of the world, no room for it. Bliss has filled me up and pushed out of my awareness bubble all other thoughts and feelings.
Thus are the Mother’s and Michael’s fears illustrated. The Mother once confided that if I had seen the Self as it is at Xenia – brighter than a million, billion suns –
“…you would have departed the life that you have designed – yes, with us, for yourself, for the service you are providing – you would have departed and simply said, ‘I do not need to do this. I will just simply sit in the bliss of love and good luck, everybody!’” (1)
There’s no denying the truth of that statement. A touch of bliss has one forget everything.
After Abundance and Ascension, resting in bliss will no longer be a problem. Everyone will have the freedom to choose how they’ll live their lives and living in the experience of total peace and upliftment will be seen as a hugely positive thing.
In my young adulthood, if one meditated overly much, one could be told to get a job. Werner Erhard appeared right: The world at the time of the Vietnam War seemed hostile to transformation. (2)
But that won’t be the case after Ascension. Every individual is on a return journey to God. In a post-Ascension world, people who concentrate their efforts on Self-Realization will undoubtedly receive encouragement, rather than discouragement.
(1) Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 26, 2018.
(2) We didn’t talk about the Deep State then. It was the military-industrial complex and secret societies.
A Touch of Bliss has One Forget Everything | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/14/2021 12:21:00 AM