Friday, March 12, 2021

What is Ascension? | Alcazar Quotes

What Is Ascension?

Question from Micheline: Can you explain what Ascension means?

Prageet: Ascension means different things to different people. But my understanding of ascension is simply the raising of your vibration, the ascending of your frequency into higher and higher levels of being. That starts to open up many other possibilities and experiences.

Julieanne: Alcazar doesn’t talk about ascension as something like turning into a ball of light and then leaving the planet. He talks about ascension as bringing the totality of who you are as a spiritual being here to the Earth so that your gifts can be shared here. So that your frequency can be shared here. So that you can live the totality of your Superconsciousness.

– Prageet & Julieanne

Becoming Superconscious Feb. 2021