Friday, March 12, 2021

The New Moon in Aquarius: Time to Claim our Sovereignty | Ami Sattinger

According to Western Sidereal Astrology, the new Moon is on March 13, with the Sun, Moon, Neptune, Venus and Aquarius conjoined in the air sign of Aquarius, and we may feel this strong energy over the weekend. It’s time to plant your seeds of intention for the next month, and take some quiet time to reflect and receive valuable inner guidance.

Read more here:

It’s time to reclaim our sovereignty as citizens of planet earth, align with other like minded souls, and create a joyful, sustainable lifestyle together.

Are you willing to awaken to what’s really happening right now?

Will you take a stand to defend the truth and the light, so everyone can be free to live with peace and prosperity?

This powerful stellium in Aquarius represents our deep need to express our true selves, find healthy solutions to heal our mind and body, and right livelihood that is a blessing for us and for our community.

With so much conflict and turbulence everywhere, can you detach with love, instead of disconnecting emotionally, if you disagree with someone and find a middle ground?

The Age of Aquarius reminds us to be altruistic and reach out to those who may be suffering with a warm hug, or other expression of kindness.

Let’s maintain our heart of gratitude for the blessings we’ve received, and celebrate the progress we’ve made during 2021.

The best is yet to come!!