Thursday, March 11, 2021

The Energy and Chemistry of Thoughts | Alcazar Quotes

The Energy and Chemistry of Thoughts

Even if you're feeling down, low, lost -- all those depressed lower frequency energies -- focus on deep gratitude. Focus on feeling joy – not just thinking it. Start with the thinking, but as you think about feeling grateful or appreciating something, see if you can start to feel it with your intention. You can change a thought into a feeling. When you have the thought, the brain-mind mechanism actually creates a chemical which reflects that thought. So as that chemical flows through the body, the body starts to feel what that thought means. It's part of this amazing creation that we're a part of where Spirit is coming into our physical form and creating methods, physiology, that can allow us to feel what we are thinking.

– Prageet

Becoming Superconscious, Day 7, Feb. 2021