By Steve Beckow, March 23, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
This is not part of the book on the fate of the dark, but a separate article.
Will some families go their separate ways?
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: It is realised that it means some families will go their separate ways, and this possibility would have been foreseen before they incarnated.
Understand that you are sometimes placed with other souls because your presence helps advance them through your example. It is also possible that you will keep contact with them acting as one of their Guides, and we know that attachments to each other can be very strong. (1)
Matthew Ward: There will be no mass exodus, but rather throughout the year greater numbers of people will be dying than heretofore, and it is likely that among them will be members of your family, friends, colleagues or neighbors.
If they are especially dear to you, be comforted in knowing that along the ascension pathway through fourth density into fifth, there will be joyful physical reunions between souls on the planet and those in Nirvana. (2)
SaLuSa: Think not of losing your contact with those you love, as [you] will always be one with them wherever they are. In the higher dimensions, time and distance are no barrier to travel or communication. (3)
Emmanuel: Beloved Brothers and Sisters of Earth, the separation has begun. Gaia has entered the 8th segment of transformation; she is now in the point of no return.
Division has started at third-dimensional level, and the groups of frequencies present in your plane of existence are being regrouped. From now on, you will be seeing many signs of division and regrouping manifesting in your reality.
Companies will split, friends will stop seeing each other, families will separate, groups will be divided, etc. And at the same time you will be witnessing the absolute opposite; you will join new groups, you will feel closer than ever to your loved ones, family and friends.
This change is neither positive nor negative. It is existential.
This is a natural step in the mass-ascension process.
Existence consists only of vibrations, and when the vibrations that builds your world change, your whole reality changes accordingly.
When you change your awareness frequency to a higher rate, you align your being with higher vibrations, anchoring them in your material reality, hence helping Gaia in her journey to the fifth density. Remember, giving and receiving happen simultaneously, so when you help Gaia, you are being helped too.
If she makes the ascension, a monumental change will occur in the universe, and you will be part of it. The last time a change of this magnitude has happened in any third-density world was 21 billion of your years ago. …
At the end of Gaia’s ascension process/separation, two inter-dimensional gateways will open, one leading to fifth-density and the other one ending in third-density, your consciousness will align you with the gateway that best support your most dominant awareness frequency.
The re-union has begun. Little by little your group-soul will get together. In the process you may separate from others, but the shared moments and learning that has been gained in the company of others, will always remain in you as a gift of the beyond. (4)
Has a parent who chooses to remain behind when ascension occurs for the sake of a spouse or a child forfeited their chance to ascend for the next 26,000 years, or will they ascend upon the death of the physical body?
Archangel Michael: Of course they will ascend on the death of the body.
SB: All right. So it’s not the case that there’s a window that briefly opens and then shuts and these people have lost out altogether?
AAM: Why would we ever punish? We are not in the punishing business. And we would certainly never punish for love. When one stays because their love and their caring is so intense, their commitment is so intense – that is always taken into account. They will have their chance.
SB: That’s very reassuring. (5)
(2) Mike Quinsey, Dec. 7, 2018, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(3) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 4, 2012, at https://matthewbooks.com.
(4) SaLuSa, Nov. 5, 2012, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(5) Emmanuel, March 16, 2010, at http://www.emmanuelmessages.com/?p=668
(6) “Archangel Michael on NESARA, Opposing the Cabal, and Ascension – Part 3/3,” Oct. 3, 2011, at http://the2012scenario.com/2011/10/archangel-michael-on-nesara-opposing-the-cabal-and-ascension-part-33/.
Some Families may Go their Separate Ways | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/24/2021 01:43:00 AM