By Steve Beckow, March 2, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
While looking for a particular quote from Sanat Kumara, our universal logos, I came across a remarkable exchange with Sanat Kumara, whom I was interviewing on An Hour with an Angel.
In the midst of the interview, I suddenly felt ecstatic. I asked Sanat to tell me what I was feeling and he said, remarkably, that he had given me an experience of the Seventh Dimension, the Christ Plane, or Plane of Love.
Because it actually happened to me, I can testify to it.
“Transcript: Sanat Kumara ~ Ascension: Your New Tomorrow, Right Now ~ September 17, 2015,” September 20, 2015, through Linda Dillon, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/09/20/transcript-sanat-kumara-ascension-your-new-tomorrow-right-now-sept-17-2015/
Steve Beckow: Okay right now, this experience that I’m feeling bliss and excitement and, yes, I was feeling excited … is going to fade, correct? And then it will build again at some other point and then it is going to change. We are not at the place where it will be ours permanently yet, are we?
Sanat Kumara: Yes, you are. What happens is the mental construct. It is habit forming. Let us start there. Because you have lived in a domain – your term – that has been governed by the mental/emotional experience/constructs and then you tend to think: “this is so big, this is so wonderful.” And, you immediately go to: “I wish I could hold on to it.” Instead of: “I’m holding on to it. I’m not going to revert back.”
And this is what those who are thinking that they can never return are really thinking about. They want to be in the bliss and they don’t know how they can maintain this sense of upliftment and come back and assist with the collective that is still in the quagmire of chaos and mayhem. But you can. It is a heart and soul decision.
And every time, if you feel the fade effect coming in, come back to me. I would joyously – as Planetary Logos, this is my job, this is my joy, this is my mission – for all of you to be in this state. And then I can move on. Although I will want to stay for a while and enjoy it. So keep claiming it. Don’t think: “Oh my gosh, it was so nice. I wish it could come back.” Keep claiming it and call on me if you feel the fade, if you feel that the mayhem is dragging you down, then call and come back to this very place. I am anchoring this knowing in your heart, in your cells, in your DNA. It is activated right now.
SB: Well, it certainly is a wonderful experience.
Two matters – one is when you say: “don’t give it up. Call it back,” are you talking about an exertion of will? That’s my first question. My second question is, I wonder if you can say a little bit more about the heart. Because I think that most people, when you say the heart, all they do is consult – as you said – consult their feelings. And, having experienced an open heart, the heart is much more than just one’s feelings. So could you talk about the will and the heart please?
SK: I would be delighted and think of it in this way. What you are doing is the alignment, your true alignment, your true self, your divine self in form – aligned with divine heart, mind, will. It is not that we wish to eliminate anything and that is the nature of this discussion, but when you think about feelings, too often, my beloveds, you are referring to your emotional field which tends to be chemical, biological, environmental and reactive.
When I talk to you and refer – and I speak of all of us now – when I refer to your heart, I am referring to the seat of your soul. (1) I am referring to your capacity for full consciousness, for what we have termed love, which has many, many faces, which is the anchoring and the living acceptance and surrender of your divinity and your will which is your ability to co-create. So your will brings into form this Nova Earth that we are bringing forth, restoring, rehabbing and creating together.
You cannot simply remain in your heart, which is your powerful tool to heal, to expand, to create. But when you step out – think of it in this way – you step out holding the bliss and then you say: “Well, what does bliss look like in form?” And, by an act of will you bring into form that which you desire that is harmonious because it comes from divinity and love. It does not come from the false grids and illusions of the old. It comes from the purity and the clarity of the Mother/Father One that you carry within you. For you are divine!
The biggest piece of this ascension is not just the momentary glimpse of your divinity, but the complete acceptance of your divinity and the celebration of that divinity by being able to manifest and create in a whole array of ways what is truly sublime.
So if it is not of love, if it is not of joy, if it is not of peace, then you would not choose to have it present upon your beloved planet. It is simply that there is no room for it because it is not in alignment with who you are and who the other seven billion are.
So it is the harmony. It is the harmony of your brilliant mind, your brilliant heart and your brilliant will. We do not want to negate any part of you, including your form. Now is your form being tweaked, reconstructed, regridded? Are you choosing to re-emerge into your perfected idea of your form? Yes.
It is a co-creation and that is one of the signals to you that you are truly in ascension. It is that your body becomes glorious. It does not mean that there will not be blips along the way…that you are healing those for the collective. That is how you are co-creating with us this new domain where pain and disease and imbalance cease to exist.
(1) The soul, as I have experienced, is to be “found” in the deepest reaches of the heart, called “the seat of the soul.”
Sanat Kumara: The Heart is the Seat of the Soul | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/02/2021 11:13:00 PM