(Golden Age of Gaia)
5th March 2021. Mike Quinsey.
There is so much taking place that you are unaware of which is why when a major announcement is made about it, it will go worldwide. At the appropriate time you will be told why certain action has been taken, and the explanations will be received with both shock and surprise.
Unbeknown to most people there has been a major battle taking place between the dark Ones and the Light for millennia of time. It is drawing to a conclusion and as a result many changes will take place to release you from the false position you have been placed in for so long.
Many, many people have been involved in negative activities that have threatened the very fabric of society and kept mankind captive in false circumstances. The truth of your history must now come out, and it is a feature of the New Age that all shall be revealed as soon as it is safe to do so.
If you know you are of the Light you may already be aware that providing you maintain your level of vibration, you are certain to ascend. Whilst there is no urgency to reach the higher levels, the sooner the better to ensure you are safe from the interference of the dark Ones. They will go to extreme lengths to stop you from being successful.
Mankind has come a long way since the last cycle began, and has progressed in spite of the many obstacles placed in its path. In the circumstances it is a great achievement to have evolved since many souls have achieved it against such immense odds when it was not expected.
Those of you who have succeeded deserve all the plaudits you get and you are a shining example to others who follow in your footsteps. You took on a tough challenge without knowing about your true selves and have excelled in what was often a hostile existence. We admire your tenacity and strong intent to find your way through the jungle created by the dark Ones and you have done it in excellent style by overcoming the negativity all around you.
The negativity still exists even although the main instigators have lost a lot of their power and influence. At present you are on the crest of a wave that will carry you all of the way to the finish line, where there shall be great celebrations. It is a “once in a lifetime” achievement because you were ready to pass the marker.
Now you are on the way to a level where only the Light exists. Although some time will elapse before you reach the final stages, you are destined to do so. These are times when you can concentrate on your own needs, and we encourage you to do so. Be assured that all souls will be looked after as their future is planned according to their needs. No soul is considered as any less than another, it is simply an acknowledgement of their present place on the ladder of evolution.
Nothing can now interfere with your progress to Ascension, and the opportunity has been well earned through many incarnations and challenges that have been placed before you. It is why you are so near to openly meeting your mentors who are equally pleased that the opportunity has at last arrived.
Every life you have spent in the lower vibrations has given you a wide range of experience that will hold you in good stead for the future. You are near to becoming the Masters that you really are and assured of a return to that high level of vibration, in what you call the 5th dimension. Words can hardly describe the wonderful times ahead of you and not least of all being able to progress without interference.
We know it is difficult to find the words that describe the coming changes, but we can hardly talk about it without conveying a sense of peace and happiness. You have lived many lives of poverty and deprivation, horror and shock yet you have stood firm and still recovered much to our delight.
Not all souls have managed to rise up but they will succeed eventually and will be assisted all of the way, as no one is left to flounder – even the lowest of the low. It may at times seem to you that there is discrimination but know that karma is at play and some souls have brought hard lessons upon themselves that have to be cleared. There is no such thing as punishment, merely making good your mistakes by learning from them.
With the coming of Ascension we know that the question that often arises in your minds is what happens to your possessions and without them what can you expect. You will not be surprised to know that everything you need will be provided and you will want for absolutely nothing at all.
Much of what you have now will not serve any purpose in a higher vibration. After all you will be living a happy and much more relaxed life that will be so different to what you have been used to. Your power of thought will be sufficient for you to “think” things into being to provide for your needs.
There will no longer be a need for factories or similar facilities and you can be assured of an all-round healthy and happy living. The need to work will virtually disappear and you have already touched upon the idea of using robotic beings for this purpose.
Have patience as the future unfolds as you commence to take new paths to the New Age. You cannot have everything at once but slowly but surely you will change over from your antiquated way of living to a modern Age. Keep all of this in mind as sweeping changes come about because in the long run it is all for your benefit.
With the experience that your Space friends bring they will help you and make short work of things that could take you many years. The truth is that the dark Ones have kept advances for themselves thus denying you the chance to evolve at a much faster rate. However, you will be helped to make up for lost time and once the changes commence they will go speeding ahead.
At present you are still in a turmoil over Covid19, but it has made you look seriously at how you should continue your lives once you can recommence them and return to normal. There is much resistance to change from those who have dominated your lives, but it will not prevent the inevitable as you cannot go back to how it was previously because much is unsuitable for the changes that are coming.
You cannot hold back progress and no doubt very few of you will want to cling onto the old when you understand the advantages of the coming changes. They will cause hardship for some of you but in the long run all will work out very satisfactorily and to your liking.
This message comes through my Higher Self, my Godself that all of you also have as Beings of Light.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message | March 5, 2021
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/06/2021 02:09:00 AM