(Golden Age of Gaia)
March 1, 2021, jennifercrokaert.com
My beloved sisters and brothers! You have worked long and hard to come to this time. For many of you, it will feel as though you are walking on a tightrope as you move from 3D to 5D.
The 3D world is being left behind, it no longer resonates with you; what you once loved is no longer interesting or uplifting. Yet, the 5D world you feel inside, the truth of it that resonates in your heart, is not yet grounded and manifest around you.
The resonance of the 5D is building in your heart, you recognise it in every cell of your being, yet the qualities you live by are not yet shared by those around you, and that can make living in the 3D world feel harsh and abrasive.
Take heart! You are doing magnificently! You are lighting a path for those around you, even if they are not even aware of it…
Imagine that life in the third dimension was like living with a rocky crust around you. Your exterior was hard and rough, every time you touched someone else, you scratched them painfully, even if you did not mean to do so, ‘But that is how life is, is it not?’ you thought to yourself.
Then you saw others who had no rocky crust, around them was the finest silk. You noticed it and wondered how they were so different, so gentle, so calm, so soothing?
You began to think to yourself that perhaps you could adopt some of their ways, because their beingness resonated deep within you.
Until you met people in silk, you had no idea that it was possible to be anything other than a crusty human. They inspired you and so you began on the path to dissolve your crust and craft a sheath of silk.
This is what you are doing for others, inspiring them to reclaim their silk wings, their divine birthright, even while you are learning how to shed your crusty shell.
Every person you meet with silken wings shows you a different aspect of yourself that is waiting to be reclaimed and refined.
Without ever saying a word, once you begin on this pathway, you are demonstrating to humanity the truth and purity that resides within each and every one of you, inspiring others on their journey of freedom.
Dissolving the Crust | Ashian via Jennifer Crokaert
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/02/2021 11:08:00 PM