Saturday, March 6, 2021

Bright Star: Close Encounter with the Dark | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, March 5, 2021

(Golden Age of Gaia)


Readers may remember Bright Star’s heart opening. (1)


I received “from above” the request to write down the experience that I describe below and send it to you.

I’ve received no further instructions and also don’t know why I must send this to you. Because you write a book about the darkness? Or it is important for you personally? I do not know.

Let me describe what happened to me:

It was a few months ago. I was lying in my bed and about to go to sleep. Shortly before falling asleep, I noticed a figure standing in front of my bed that I thought I knew.

I opened myself to the contact and at that moment the martyrdom began: I was grabbed by an invisible force. Something was pulling on my body left and right. It felt as if something was trying to tear me to pieces.

My whole body tensed in a way that no contortionist could ever contort. At the same time, I felt indescribable pain and everything inside me screamed in pain. But the worst thing for me was that every fiber of my self knew that I was fighting for survival here.

And it was all real; I was neither meditating nor dreaming. It was real (well, 3D just…) life. I fought back as best I could. I fought like a lion. But I realized that my strength was failing.

That’s why I called for help and turned to the person who always assured me that he would be there immediately when I needed him: Archangel Michael. I called him and asked him to intervene – and he did. And how!

The second I called him for help, a blue cloud floated into my room. The cloud was a brilliant blue, with white sparkling lights inside. In the same second, the attack of the dark ones stopped and my body relaxed. (2)

But I was totally exhausted and drenched in sweat. And then came what was the most horrible thing for me and took me weeks to recover from: a figure trampled over my bed, ran into the bathroom and disappeared. While trampling over my bed I felt the weight of the figure, my bed almost crashed and squeaked as if an elephant ran over my bed.

I was totally shocked. When my wife came into the room a little later, I asked her, white as a sheet and completely shocked, if she had just run over our bed. She just looked at me with wide eyes. By the way, my wife is as light as an elf…

Weeks after this experience, I had the opportunity to talk to Mum [the Divine Mother] about this incident. She explained to me why it had to happen: they wanted to show me what I was fighting against during the night while sleeping. That the darkness is real, as well as the fight against it. And why only the strongest were chosen for this mission.

I was very surprised that the dark ones could break through my shield, because I know how strong it is. Mum confirmed to me that our shield keeps the dark ones out and, if for some reason it is not fully intact, Archangel Michael and all the other heavenly beings would be there to protect us.

Yes, the dark ones know us and have us on their radar. But they can never compete with the Light. Never. I had to experience this to know what I was up against. And now you, who are reading these lines, know it too. I never give up and this event has made me even more willing to help Mum realize her plan – to free Gaia from darkness and lead people into the Golden Age.

With all my love,

Bright Star


“Bright Star: An Account of a Heart Opening,” December 29, 2017,

See also “The Tide has Turned: Reading with the Divine Mother and Bright Star, Jan. 29, 2019.” February 3, 2019, at

“Jesus to Bright Star: On the Nature of Sacred Union – Part 1/2,” July 28, 2018, at

“Jesus to Bright Star: On the Nature of Sacred Union – Part 2/2,” July 29, 2018, at

(2) With the same speed that, when I called on Michael in 2020 to help me with a kitchen fire, the flames, which were about two feet tall, quickly shrank and disappeared.