Friday, March 26, 2021

April Ascension Energies: Courageous Heart | Jamye Price

April Ascension Energies – Courageous Heart

(Jamye Price)


As you continue Freeing Your Heart, the overall energies of 2021, so that this world is more love-based rather than fear-based; April builds on the first quarter. April energies are Courageous Heart. Where January called you to be more aware of your Focus, April strengthens your courage to sustain that when it would be easier to avoid or resist.

You build the Courage to Focus on the positive or the negative, meaning activation or release, so that you are utilizing the full flow of creation within the physical realm.

February’s energies of Embracing Your Uniqueness are further emboldened by your loving courage so that you are maintaining your inner realm, your sacred space. This supports you to be less pushed and pulled by the energies around you and able to transform within.

You build the Courage to Love Yourself, honoring your sacred vessel of Life, teaching others through example that worthiness is the divine birthright of All. That means All. Begin with All of you. That’s where it takes Courage. Unity begins with honoring Uniqueness.

March tuned us into Patience, your powerful and wisely open state that is supported by the courage to open to new potential instead of controlling the present moment. Your Courageous Heart builds the mastery of your inner realm so that you are sustaining your powerful Love within and that emanates new information into the field of information that we are immersed within.

Your Courage to be Patient is a subtle shift that is invisible in the moment, but is key to real transformation. You build the Courage to trust with your Patience to remain open to change.


It takes Courage to resist avoidance, to shift unconscious survival mechanisms that are no longer necessary and to make choices that align you with new future potential. It takes Courage to love in its many facets; even receiving pleasure, saying no, standing up for yourself and honoring your boundaries. Those can be loving actions, even if they feel uncomfortable in the moment. That is the energy of transformation.

A Courageous Heart naturally balances the ego so that what is uncomfortable, unconscious or resisted is nurtured through love so that a new safety is learned. It’s not a pattern of avoidance, sometimes the truth is hard to experience, but Courageous Love always offers a win/win, though not everyone will take it. It may be something that is out of your control, or not within your lifetime of manifesting, but your information flows into the biofield that we are all interacting with.

Your Courageous Heart creates a path of information for the future to follow. Each generation is born into the desires and challenges of the one before, and they are equipped to progress that healing and manifestation.

Your Courageous Heart offers the key to the future to manifest the Love that you are experiencing now. That is your true power. That is true Courage.