An Element of Trust Is Needed
And so Beloved Ones, there is an element of trust that is needed. There is an element of trust at play in the awakening process. The more you can trust, the more you will deeply relax. This is not about powering through. This is not about analyzing with the mind. This is about simply stepping in to a Quantum Energy Field and allowing the upliftment to carry you, gently, gently, day by day into an elevated perspective. This elevated perspective, we call your Superconsciousness, this elevated perspective can enable you to look upon your past in a vastly different way. You can imagine it like a great wind tunnel. Your past is this long tube and what you are doing as you elevate your vibration, as your frequency rises, you are causing this great influx of energy to move through your past. And it is not just energy, it is a kind of Superconscious awareness, and this Superconscious awareness touches everything. It touches every moment of your human incarnation.
Can you feel the energy that we are pointing at? That is why there is nothing to do. This is why we speak of the element of trust. Because the more you simply step into the Field and let go of expectation, the more you simply call upon the resources as you need them and allow them to both uplift you and also to take you deeper into compassion in that moment. The more you are infusing Superconscious energy into the depths of your humanness in the now moment, the closer you get to these elevated moments when suddenly, something clicks and everything is different. Feel the potential in these words. Take them in and claim them as your own. So many of you are saying oh, that is nice for other people who claim this potential... Every time you hear another's experience, tune in and experience. Know that they are opening a doorway that exists within your beingness also.
– Alcazar
Becoming Superconscious Feb. 2021
An Element of Trust is Needed | Alcazar Quotes
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/24/2021 12:03:00 PM