Saturday, March 20, 2021

A Magician of Life | Heavenletters #2487

A Magician of Life | Heavenletters

MAR 19 2021

(Rainbow Wave of Light)

God said:

You are beautiful, magnificent, brilliant, and still you have to shine shoes, wipe up spills, make beds. You may be the most creative person in the world, and still you have to pick up crumbs, wipe your feet, take out trash. It doesn’t matter who you are nor what you do. You still have the mundane to take care of. When it comes to the repetitive seemingly ungodly things you have to do, it behooves you to do them in service to Me. This is God’s grace, beloveds. Otherwise, you may find yourself bored, resistant, resentful, begrudging. However, in service to Me, a simple act is transformed into a great act of service. A menial act is turned into gold. The greatest thing is that you are transformed. You do not merely wash the floor. You wash the floor for Me. In washing a floor on your hands and knees, you give homage to God.

The most menial act gets turned into a bouquet of flowers, and so you become a magician of life.

Even when you are an ordained minister of God, you still have to carry things, polish things, comb your hair, pat a child on the head. Are these less in service to Me than a great sermon before a throng of thousands?

You are coming to the place, getting to the point where every word of yours, every act of yours transmutes into devotion to Me. It is as if your gratitude for life is so great that everything you do is an act of joy. It will not even matter to you what the act is. The joy is the same. If your task is mindless or your task requires great thought, your joy will be the same. It may not be a conscious decision that you have consecrated your life to Me, but one day, you will look around and see that you have. Perhaps it is unbeknownst to you, and, suddenly, you see what your life has become, and you are wowed with how easy it is to make every minute of your life a tribute to Me.

You will wonder how you ever lived in a different way. You will roll in laughter when you consider what you once dedicated your life to and were so serious about. Now, you are not so serious. Now you do not try to attain. Now there is no reason to try. Somewhere along the line, your life became service to God, and service to God without exception. Not as a big deal, but as a way to simply be, as if you were, indeed, in the Garden of Eden and you misted the plants and other growing things right in God’s presence. Or, maybe, you pick the flowers, and you have great joy in handing them out to others, not for any other reason than that it is here for you to do, and it happens to be your pleasure to do so. The joy is in the service, and, therefore, there is joy in the act, even when it is an act of itself that you do not love to do. It’s just that you love to do for Me.

You are not paid to do for Me. You receive no glory for doing so, and yet you are filled with a secret joy, perhaps a joy known only betwixt you and Me, for, of course, in your service to Me and to the world, I am your Accomplice. I am right with you, filling the bottle you mist the plants with, getting everything ready for you, helping you lift, helping you in your service to Me, even leading the way.

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