Friday, February 12, 2021

Your Superconsciousness Wishes to Guide you | Alcazar Quotes

Your Superconsciousness Wishes to Guide You

Your Superconsciousness, the real you, wishes to guide your humanness, wishes to guide you into a more beautiful experience. Your Superconscious you, wants your humanness to vibrate at a higher level so more consciousness can come into the human form. The more you raise your vibration, the higher your vibration, the more your Superconscious can live through the body, through your humanness. As you continue to raise your vibration, you reach that state that you call enlightenment. That enlightened state is when most of your Superconsciousness is actually within the body. And in that space, your whole reality is changed. You are vibrating at such a frequency of love. And this is the destination for each and every one of you. Ultimately, it will happen to everyone. Being in that place of enlightenment will happen to everyone, whoever they are, wherever they are, however unconscious they are right now.

- Alcazar

New Year, New Dawn, 2021