You Have Alit on Earth | Heavenletters
FEB 27 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
It is the ground of the Great Earth that you walk on. You build your house on it. You grow flowers and fruit and vegetables. Yes, please tend to the Earth that you live on.
Give it homage. Bless it every now and then as it was done in olden days. Hug it to your heart. The Earth beneath your feet is blessed Earth, and blessed are you who walks on Earth and gives back to it.
And if you live in the city, under the sidewalks you walk on, the Earth has laid itself for you to do as you will with it. The Earth is well-named Mother Earth for it gladly nurtures. While you are on Earth, give some love back to the Earth that bares itself for you. Respect and honor Mother Earth, and do the same for the parents through whom you came to Earth.
You have alit on Earth. You live on a planet. You live on the planet named Earth. It is your hearth, this planet you live on. Perhaps beings on other planets see you as an extra-terrestrial. It may be time now for you to view yourself in a bigger light.
You are My representative on Earth, you are My representative of the Universe. You are significant.
The stars represent Me to you. Be reciprocal with the stars. They are an intimate part of you. You carry the sun and the moon and all the galaxies in your heart. They are treasures of your heart. The whole Universe is a treasure of your heart.
From love you came. From love, all of existence, as you see it, was born. The Planet Earth upon which you stand was born. I created it. I created you and Earth for each other, just as I created everything for you and for every seeming other. It is all for you. It is all a gift from Me to you.
Be glad for the gifts you have been given.
Imagine all the flowering trees I planted before you. Imagine how the sun follows their development. It follows yours as well. Everything I have given to you follows you as I follow you. Everything is at your behest, and at My behest. Everything is for you, and everything is you.
Each leaf is My beloved. Each piece of bark. The soil is My beloved. All I have created is yours to befriend. I have given you apples to enjoy. Eat them with joy. Care for all the gifts I have bequeathed on you. They are yours. I gave them to you. I gave them to you on trust.
Love the grass. Squeeze it between your toes. Recline on it. Even as you walk past grass, acknowledge that it grows for you. Even mow grass in love. Pass out your love right and left for all that is at your feet, for all that is above you, for all that is in your grasp, and for all that your fingers cannot reach. Love what is near, and love what is far. Love your neighbor, and love yourself. Love the very ground you walk on.
Beloveds, there is no excuse not to love. There is not one excuse. No matter what your woes, what your perceived losses, no matter where you are, what condition you are in, there is no excuse not to love. Just love. Even if it is your last breath, breathe with love. Look, I created Earth, and I created you. I gave all of My Creation to you. On what basis, beloveds, would you not love what I have given to you? Don’t make a list of why not. Just love.
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