By Steve Beckow, February 4, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Jesus describes lightworker cognitive dissonance in his latest message through Pamela Kribbe. I found the passage remarkable:
“In your hearts, a consciousness has awakened in which there is something new. You feel the call of your heart, while at the same time you feel you cannot adapt and fit in with the existing traditional consciousness, and this creates a split within you.
“You really want to follow the call of your heart by living with passion and inspiration, and to give shape to the new, yet you feel the opposition, resistance, and inertia of the existing power structures. These structures are based on fear, and want to hold on to the past; they are rigid, want to maintain control, and resist the free flow of the soul.” (1)
Probably most of us recognize what he’s talking about.
A new consciousness arises in us along with a reluctance to continue to follow traditional norms. This leads to “a split,” or what I’ve been calling cognitive dissonance.
We neither completely resonate with our society nor does our society resonate with our new-found consciousness.
The split in the mind is problematic because we come to a standstill, not knowing which way to go, what voice to listen to, which way to turn. It stands in the way of further forward progress.
Our concern is to discover how to extricate ourselves from the dissonance.
I was saying earlier (2) that deciding between the two seemingly warring sides was one way through the dissonance. We have to be prepared to live with the consequences of our choice. But it’ll end the inner war.
It’s not the only way. We can also “load shed.” We can drop our issue as having been overtaken by events (if it hasn’t been yet, it soon will be).
In terms of reparenting, I see that I can’t afford to steer by issues in the rapidly-changing climate of events today and, so seeing, I let them go. (Werner Erhard would call this “getting off it.”)
We can use the universal laws to dissolve our issue.
I think that ending dissonance aligns with what I’ve called, after Werner Erhard, “presencing the Self.” Or to put it another way, I surmise that, when we presence the Self, the issue disappears. I therefore list ways of presencing the Self below this article. (3)
Remember we were told that the news would break so fast that we’d feel we’re on an emotional roller coaster?
I’ve just listened to “Cirsten W.” outline an alleged Taiwan-government scenario which has the United States and Taiwan invading China and ousting the Chinese Communist Party. I hear that Simon Parkes has also discussed this scenario.
It’s said that Chairman Xi is part of the plan. Who knows if all or part of the rumor is true? But it shows the kind of thinking that’s flying around right now.
Welcome to the roller coaster. And this in turn will bring with it various shades of … you got it … cognitive dissonance.
Usually the conflict in our minds is between a want and a should, what we desire and what our duty says.
Dissonance shows up as pain – the pain of not getting what we want, the frustration of feeling stymied, suppressed, etc.
But cognitive dissonance isn’t always a bad thing. It can be a motivator.
It can precede paradigmatic breakthrough and the creation of a new paradigm. I’ve given illustrations before of paradigmatic breakthrough in the face of dissonance. (4)
And we can use it to embrace both sides of the polarity, embrace the whole, leading to a new and more helpful synthesis.
Cognitive dissonance is to the person what creative chaos is to society. It motivates. It encourages. It leads to change. We just may not know what change ahead of time, how, or when. That’s the challenge facing us.
I say this to assist us – and myself – for when the revelations come fast and thick. We’ll need to become adept at extricating ourselves from cognitive dissonance.
(1) “Jeshua: Inner Change is the Key,” via Pamela Kribbe, January 25, 2021, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/01/25/jeshua-inner-change-is-the-key/
(2) “Cognitive Dissonance Builds and is Processed,” February 1, 2021, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=317131
(3) “Bringing on the Bliss (Reposted),” Jan. 27, 2021, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/01/27/bringing-on-the-bliss-reposted/.
Here’s a list of these tools:
(1) Tell the truth, including sharing all withholds.
(2) Make a difference in someone’s life.
(3) Be with our experience until the truth reveals itself.
(4) Process our vasanas and conditioned behavior.
(5) Make a declaration, a promise, a commitment.
(6) Take a stand.
(7) Complete something.
(8) Breathe up the love from our heart and come from that. (“Why Is It So Hard to Do the Right Thing?” July 28, 2017, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/07/28/why-is-it-so-hard-to-do-the-right-thing-2/.)
(4) See “The Principles of Largescale Employment Projects – Part 2/2” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/02/23/the-principles-of-largescale-employment-projects-part-22/, “Taking Stock of Our Values,” Dec. 16, 2014, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/12/16/241018/, and “How to Work with the Novel and Strange (2013),” December 24, 2019, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/12/16/241018/
When the Revelations Come Fast and Thick | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/04/2021 10:39:00 PM