What is the Truth? What do I Believe? | Para Kas-Vetter

Photography ©Para Kas-Vetter

What is the Truth? What do I believe?

A question that led to an answer.

A true story.

How confusion and chaos in the world helped me to decipher the truth. And the purpose of going within the heart- soul for truth.

Upon Otto and I having a discussion today about the words in this world, and trying to make sense of the different interpretations of example, illusions, holograms, two earths ect ect, we both realise it can create confusion and turmoil when trying to help people grasp the truth of reality. There needs to be a very clear definition or expression to be able to introduce a truth. Otherwise it becomes blurry and distant. Sometimes the intention is either not clear or not true. It is for this reason we often are encouraged to go within and to search for truth where we know we can fully grasp its meaning.

A sudden thought came to me of something I wrote a few years ago. It was titled:

“Para what are your thoughts about God?”

It led me to reflect upon what I had gone through about truth and what my answer became………..

The story:

When I was a little girl, I would spend my time praying and finding out ways of how to remove myself from elements of life that were not for my highest good, and prayed where it was not possible. I never once even questioned Heaven or God or Angels or Guides or how ever one likes to name them.

All I knew was this immense contentment of the fact that I was always heard and that I somehow would find the light, somehow in this “crazy world” that we have allowed it to become because we either trusted in the lost souls, we turned a blind eye to it all, or our kindness and forgiveness and compassion were taken advantage of, that for so long we have offered in hope that some would make a positive change that would be beneficial to the world.

Not once was I afraid of God, or the Higher Forces or the Ascended Masters of even the loving Guardian Angels. I knew that if there was something I wanted to express I did so freely to all above.

I never once thought that there was a certain way that something had to be done in how I had to communicate. And surely in honest truth, I never really listened to anyone if they did. Not that I recall anything like that anyway.....until...................…

Something happened as the years went by. It was in my much later years that I started to meet people that suddenly told me to fear God and the Angelic Realms, how I was to communicate with them, what to say, how to imagine, how to not imagine. Let alone these people that I allowed into my life would be also all walks of life. I was made to believe they knew better than me.

Suddenly I awoke to the world before me. I suddenly saw the truth of life. My whole world changed when I started to discover the fact that we were made to believe all sorts of things that were in fact not true. Truths were hidden that would have helped us evolve and understand the way life as meant to be understood. I began to see all around me with a new perspective and suddenly I was left totally lost for words, that the ones on earth that many of us trusted to look after this world, were the ones that spend endless time corrupting and destructing and manipulating us to do so, many unaware. I was speechless when I discovered that the water I was drinking was not pure, the air I was breathing was not pure and that everything I thought stood for truth was in fact not truth at all.

I began to get angry at the Universal Forces. Why did they not tell me?! Why did they not show me?!!!!! Or was it that I did not want to listen........I did not want to know........I simply did not want to know things that I chose to laugh off.

I started to get pulled left, right and centre being told that all this abuse of the Earth and the children, humanity and animals is all an illusion, it does not exist. Whilst others said it was a game that we all must play. What a sick game if you ask me and if it is all an illusion I found it difficult at the time to grasp that everything that means dear to me is not solid real. I started to become confused about what was the purpose of life. Especially when also I was told we are all an experiment but that in the same breath nothing is real. I was told I am a hologram and that the ones I love are non existent.

I am told that the truth is hidden to not upset us or that we cannot handle the truth, or an underlying agenda to continue to deceive the world and its inhabitants..........or that someone “warped” in the head wanted to hide the truth from Life overall, all because of profit, greed lust and distorted control tactic....…

I am told that I am spiritual so I must constantly forgive the same old thing that is done unto me without any intent for them to make the change, and that I draw it onto me and it is I that have to change. I am told that I want it and I deserve it, and that it is karma. I then do everything I possibly can to make the changes within myself; to work hard to cancel karma or that it is from past life and I am stuck with it all. I then find out that my whole life has been manipulated since birth and that there is no God.

I am told something is forced upon me by some “crazy” person who holds the technology to control a mind or poison the water so that we are oblivious to everything, that apparently I sent that out to Universe and that Universe does not understand between what is moral or not. If I want hurt I get it.

By now my head starts to spin beyond words. I start to lose motivation as I start to realize that what I am eating is GMO “crap” and not what I was told for so long Real Food. That the numbers on the so called food products that promote Natural are some chemicals produced in a lab that has enormous side effects. That those that passed away could have lived a longer life but their life was compromised as a commodity.

I am told that a lot of the illnesses and deaths that are caused are deliberate because someone believes we have to depopulate, as if they believe they have the right to live a long life and others don’t who have done more good than them. Or for profit reasons. Quite lost souls if you ask me making money using us as a commodity.

I am also told that I have to imagine in detail of what I want and in the same instance I am told to not imagine as I then question what God wants best for us if I do. I then am told that if I use negative words I actually create that in my life so I am told to say things like I am NOT happy because God does not hear the negative words........but I just thought God does and suddenly now I am told to use positive words with the word incorporated NOT in it. What in effect I am saying when I say “I am NOT happy that that person is killing someone innocent” is really me saying to God, God I am Happy that that person is killing someone innocent!!!!!!!!!

I am then told that I must stay loving at all times but that if someone abuses me I have to just not retaliate but allow. So then when I do retaliate I am not spiritual or loving, and if I don’t retaliate or stand up for what is not right, I am told that I am actually saying I am not worthy and don’t show that I am worthy, so I am actually wanting more of that. Or that I am creating what is going on in the world because I am not standing in my truth or fighting for what is right.

Now you can imagine by now everyone has just told me what is best for me. The governments who believe I have to have poisonous water and breath chemicals sprayed in the air because someone thinks covering the sun or depopulation is necessary, or some sinister belief to make people ill so that we can continue to spend money on trying to get better. Those who have no idea about life go about thinking they do, telling others how it is, confusing us to the core. And now I am suppose to believe from scientists that we are an illusion and that there is no life, that we are just nothing. That scientists seem to know it all....... not. They still running around trying to prove something that cannot be proven, and acting god is not a wise thing to do against Nature. And then we are suppose to have Religion say that we are insane if we are communicating with God but that we are to also fear Universe greatly. Let’s not forget Religion has not been exactly honourable and has not helped much in keeping people together.......what makes them think they can but I can’t communicate with God? Look around them at what exactly they have created........…

Of course one says there is hell and another says there is not. We are told that what is happening in this world is because we created it, and then when we are asked to make the changes and we begin to do so, we are told that we are doing it all wrong.

I suppose there is a reason for writing this to all.

In awaking, I really began to listen and I really began to go deeper within myself........... A lot has changed in my views as I had to force myself to go deeper within and really start to question all my own and others’ beliefs.

I won’t deny I did start to wonder if it was so true that we are living in a simulation world to be reminded of all that we did to it, this world that no longer exists........reminded constantly time and time again of the damage we caused, the turmoil we created and how we all participated all because of money, because we refuse to learn.

I am gratefull for the Awakenings, Epiphanies, learning and discovering. I am gratefull for a lot of things, but there is one thing I must say here, we all have our own way and we all give what we know to be true. I know I also say what I believe to the core of my soul based on what my deeper within says.

We are all suppose to respect one another with the intent that we only want good and that we are merely sharing our experiences and knowledge but that what may resonate with one person may not with another. Like the colours of the world all have different frequencies, we are also made of frequencies and so we all connect more to one colour than another.........it does not mean that there is only one colour that all of us must connect to. We are all individuals and the purpose of life is to respect and honour one another, and to fully thrive in the truthfulness of life.

I think that the moment we place a rule about how we are to actually understand life that is contradictory to what we know deep within, it can cause enormous turmoil and leave you in a state of being in a black hole.

I won’t deny it is so dearly important to awaken to what is going on around us and within us. It is so important to know the truth of life. It is immensely important to value the works and the guidance as well the knowledge and wisdom of highly respectfull and honoruable souls of this world, but it is also important we do start to value the truth of life. Somehow Life was created and we are all learning a lot now. We are learning the truth about the corrupted ones and their agenda. We are realizing our worth and the true meaning of life because of the depth of desire for meaning and depth and value of life.

We all are holding a piece of the puzzle, trying to put it all together again, trying to make sense of everything..........…

The truth is that Life is created for a reason. I myself truly do not believe for a moment that life is to be destructed, and I find it very difficult to believe for a moment that we are all here on earth let alone so many life forms of other dimensions, for the mere fact to destruct it.

I may not as yet fully understand the ecosystem and its true existence, eating one another and lately I have not been dealing very well with what I am eating. I am still learning and growing and discovering. And what I was taught in school to discover now to be simply not true, made me furious to realize how much of my life they wasted that I could have utilized wisely.

However, if I am told for a moment that Universe says we all have free will, and yet in the same instance we are not, it is then we really need to start searching for the real truth, finding for ourselves who we are and why we are here on Earth.

I deeply do not believe for a moment we want that which makes us suffer, unless some soul has infested that in us, call it the devil, the evil, the corrupted or the dark force, what ever you want to call it. And surely God knows deep within the core of my soul what I want. But then I cannot fully grasp the idea of being told that God wants to experience everything from pain to harmony, whilst in the same instance know that God knows all and is all loving. Another says God cannot harm Life and so allows destruction, whilst yet another says God did not know evil existed and was taken by surprise. Then there is another saying God is learning through us. Whilst yet another wants me to believe God knows in advance, and then another says God does not. Oh My Head is spinning.................…

I know that life is to be about thriving and about feeling so alive within. I may have had to endure enormous suffering in my life, but I surely don’t want to play this stupid game that if I don’t do as I am told that is towards corruption and destruction I wont have a pleasant life. I have been abused and humiliated, lost dearly a lot and all because I fight for what is morally right for me, standing in my own truth and for truth. And I surely don’t want to do that which is not for my highest good. I surely did not consent to be poisoned or abused. And when I am told how to think, how to feel and be, how to fear, what my dreams are suppose to be and what is for my highest good that is not in resonance with my deep inner soul, I do not flow.

I have been made to do things I no longer want to do. I have been told lies that have turned my world around. We do not need a recession and war for economy!!!!! What you are saying is that we are supposed to destruct cultures and humanity, life and parts of the planet for what? For money?

A little boy many years ago tried to tell me it is a mad mad world and to hear his calling of his heart. I did not understand. I did not listen until one day I awoke........one day I opened my eyes and saw what on earth was going on..........one day I just heard........On the 7th of October 2015 which adds to 7 I read this article sent to me.....................it was this sentence that stroked a deep core so powerfull I cried and cried and cried......…

“now close your eyes and think of when you were seven years old, what do you see, who are you, what are you doing, what is on your mind, what are you passionate about. Remember what you are feeling, seeing and sensing,”


I recalled how I used to communicate with the Angels, what I was going through, and how I used to know how to pray doing so freely in my own way. I used to be able to express myself in the way that I knew I was heard. I just simply was being me feeling to the core of who I knew I was.........and so I can see now what I really want and what my soul for so long desires..........…

“....... something happened that took the Rose by delight, it was the sunlight that shone that day in a special way. It was the way it shone so harmoniously, that it touched every fibre of the Rose’s Heart. Suddenly it started to feel emotions, when sudden flashes of dreams and hopes began to rekindle. And as the sun shone more deeper and brighter upon the Rose, it began to hope and started to desire...............and then just then it began to create..........it began to grow a flower, and then a leaf here and there...............and before you knew it there was standing so tall that took what seemed another life time on Earth, blooming in sight amongst all lifeless forms, there it was full of brightness and life as it realized a new life had begun in sight.”

Excerpt from ‘The Thornless Rose by Para Kas-Vetter’

Our hearts are opening up in ways these days for so many that is far deeper than ever imagined. There is also a “personal transformation and a profound shift in consciousness and vibration” Sara Wiseman

Life is meaningfull, there is truth that we are suppose to Thrive, that we are all suppose to live a Harmonious, HEALTHY, LONG, happy, life filled with doing all that is of soul depth and purpose and meaning, that not only benefits our own soul but also life all around.

Life is not suppose to be is denied of the truth of existence nor are we suppose to be forced to live a life in a destructive way let alone made to believe that. "We can discover this meaning in life in three different ways: by creating a work or doing a deed; by experiencing something or encountering someone; and by the attitude we take toward unavoidable suffering" Viktor Frankl

“having 'meaning' in your life is that it's about being part of something that we really believe in that is bigger than ourselves......It guides us in how we choose to live our lives, what we strive for.....Although finding meaning is about connecting to something beyond ourselves, it also seems to tap into to something fundamental within all of us.”


Be your own soul. Live in truth of what life ought to be.........being about doing good and living a life that benefits your own soul and thus those of others. Be you in resonance with your inner soul. But in doing so bearing in mind the purpose of why you do it and for what meaning or reason. For I find it incomprehensible that anyone who destructs and corrupts fully grasps the Truth of Life. Unless they do and are doing this for the reasons that no longer are justifiable or excusable.

Do you truly honestly think for a moment that a baby is born or a sweet little animal is born to be tortured? Or that a flower blooms so that we can poison it? I don’t know about you but for me I would say there is no way life has meaning if it is there to destroy it. Truly what is the benefit of all that?

Show respect. And really discover the Truth of Life. It really is suppose to be about living it as honourable and as authentic as possible, with great meaning, depth and purpose. Anyone who tells me that Universe cannot fathom what we want from the soul, or that this is what life is all about, full of suffering, I say if I do something that makes my soul feel so Alive filling my Heart with Immense Love, and seeing others Thrive in that Elements of Love, Harmony, Joy and Peace, than I know with all of my soul that is what Life is all about......…

Para Kas-Vetter
What is the Truth? What do I Believe? | Para Kas-Vetter What is the Truth? What do I Believe? | Para Kas-Vetter Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 2/15/2021 11:19:00 PM Rating: 5

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