Saturday, February 13, 2021

Twelve Aspects of your Soul | Alcazar Quotes

Twelve Aspects of Your Soul

The soul separates into 12 different parts. So you have 12 aspects and only one of these aspects is the human self. The other aspects are having experiences somewhere out there in the many, many different realms and dimensions that exist. And so, people have asked, well if there are 12 aspects, how come I don't know about them? And Alcazar said it has to do with this reality, this 3D reality. When you came to the earth, you knew you were coming into a place of duality. Everything has an opposite. Male/female; good/bad; hot/cold and so on, but you also knew that you were coming into a place of separation, separation from spirit, to experience having a kind of a control over your reality, control in this 3D world that we created. So until now you have been separated from the awareness of your other aspects. For some of you this is beginning to change.

- Prageet

New Year, New Dawn, 2021