Wednesday, February 3, 2021
The False Empath | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart
February 2, 2021
The False Empath
Folks, Sharon here. I have compiled a list of 365 Behaviours People Indulge in that Show How Disempowered They Are. I've been linking it under the videos I've produced.
These behaviours, as well as the behaviours in my book, “Stop Being a Victim,” are what I have observed throughout my lifetime as a sensitive person who was abused by two narcissists and who became hypervigilant about ensuring that nobody would ever again do to me what my parents did and that I would stop suffering from my past. I worked through a lot, I learned a lot, I observed my own behaviour as well as others' and in stopping myself from behaving in these ways and in setting boundaries with others, I grew to become as empowered as I am. I moved through the third and fourth dimensional dilemma of separation and united with my soul to understand that people are all One.
The behaviours I've listed are divisive. They divide you from other people because they're all part of the power over others system and they are all poisonous, poisoning the collective here upon earth and allowing the dark ones and the ds to continue to live here and to control us. Ascension is NOT about adding anything; it's what you're removing from yourself that raises your frequency.
I'm done with the first 365 behaviours and am starting year 2. Yes. That many things I observe and am on the receiving end by many others who I have to deal with.
These power over others behaviours violate others' free will and often their boundaries as well. And often they're carried out in the name of being “nice”. There are no saviours on earth now; this is strictly a trip to the higher dimensions of consciousness through losing your beliefs and raising your consciousness. When you enact higher conscience behaviours, you put yourself in higher dimensional timelines and escape the current shit show and the ramifications of it for the people who are still not conscious enough to fully leave the Matrix. By the way, the Matrix has taken up residence in your mind, and it's from there that it has to be evicted.
These 365 plus behaviours Ivo and I will go over periodically to help you understand the power you will gain when you learn to watch out for them and to set your boundaries accordingly.
So, with that, we introduce the False Empath.
Everybody knows or has heard of the empath, that sensitive intuitive being who feels their connection to the collective unconscious whether they want to or not, but allow me to introduce their cheap counterpart: the ego driven false empath.
The false empath is the person who professes to understand your situation and to sympathize completely with your dilemma, then immediately runs roughshod over your boundaries in order to put their own personal agenda for you forward, while ignoring yours. And it's all done with a sweet smile and as much love and cuddly niceness as possible. Here's a tip: You need to learn to see fakers when confronted by them.
An example of this, and we've all met these ones: The person who sympathizes with your weight problem, and commends you for going on a diet, while shoving a piece of home made cheesecake in your face and insisting that you eat it otherwise they'll be upset.
I've met so many of these people, it's all I can do not to wonder how they would look wearing their cheesecake, but there are spiritual lessons to be learned in times like this and control of aggression is one of them. The only thing I can do is continue to say no and not to fall prey to their attempts to make me feel guilty. So what if you're hurt? Over a piece of cheesecake? Your ego needs stroking so much you can't let someone go on a diet without feeling hurt? Talk about control! Wow! You feel threatened by that even?
Do you see the violation of the dieter's free will here? And the attempt on the part of the cheesecake baker to control the other person? Do you see power over others at work here?
By False Empath, what I'm referring to is the statement of sympathy that the baker makes, something like, “Oh! I can totally relate! We all want to get into our best shape for the summer!” but, and then there's always the but. When you hear the word “but” beware because the false empath is going to state what he or she really wants you to do.
I believe these false statements of empathy tend to go in trends. Like how many times have you heard, “I hear you! I totally hear you!” by a person who is trying to either put forth their own agenda?
How about, “You go, girl!” Has the false empath ever hit you with one of these?
Or just the simple, “Oh, I completely agree but....” Or “Yeah, that's cool, but....” a little more sixties. Then there's your “uh huh, yes, absolutely but....” Or just a simple, “I see... but....”
This is the false empath. The person who professes to hear your plight and to understand you, then reveals their own agenda in an effort to control you. Do you know how little people understand of each other? If we understood each other, would we be getting along the way that we do?
Have you ever phoned a company and got their call center? Listen to the false empath at work. They read pre-written scripts off of a computer screen! If that isn't the ultimate, “We don't hear you and don't care what you want,” experience, I don't know what is. I tend to hang up on them and write, yes, snail mail letters to the president's office to get my needs met. And yes, it works!
These people DO NOT hear you. They want you to THINK they do. It's a lie. They're only saying what they say in order to appease or maybe confuse you long enough, so they can put forward their real plan for you. Don't fall for it.
These false cheerleaders are being led by their ego's and seem to be incapable of meeting your needs due to their own selfishness.
All this has to change. People have to do better.
Ivo: I do have a couple points to make, my love. One point is that the low frequency of your Matrix system, in which you all have lived and been schooled in, is comprised of many manipulative and controlling behaviours such as the one you are pointing out. And because of the smile of the False Empath, people believe that this person has their best interests at heart. Often the smile disarms an assertive response, and beware of course, that those who practise assertiveness are not that common compared to those who do not. There are many manipulators and the False Empath is one example.
People who smile do not always smile out of a sense of love. Your behaviours have generally become so distorted that Sharon, at one time, used to smile when she was complaining.
Me: I did! I used to do that. We laugh, we smile, but inside we're seething. How do we expect to be taken seriously when we laugh our way through complaints?
Ivo: This is because, of course, you are living at a lower frequency than the normal human usually does. So things go awry. You learn to laugh through pain, you even pride yourself on it. How is a person to understand when you are better when you send out the wrong signals?
In the same way, the False Empath, sends out a smile to slyly gain your trust, while they put their agenda for you forward. They may lean forward and perhaps touch your shoulder as a gesture of connection, then simply reveal the truth of their agenda.
You must watch for this when you deal with others face to face. A smile means nothing when there is no love conveyed through the words.
Me: I know. Now that you mention it, I frown and then start laughing sometimes. We're pretty complicated down here.
Ivo: You are. It has taken a lifetime of watching you to understand that your face does not show what you mean. You are complicated beings. Congruency is one thing you will learn, however. You will stop trying to put forward selfish agendas hidden behind smiles and aggression hidden behind a laugh.
Me: Yeah, that's too much.
Ivo: This may seem like a small thing to make a video about, however the point Sharon makes is valid. These are a series of behaviours that she has noticed practised in your world that leads to mistrust of others. Genuine interaction is lost on so many of you as you smile while controlling and laugh while feeling victimized. The true empath does have the upper hand, and the empath who has been abused and who is hyper vigilant as a result, has the advantage of studying behaviours of others in more depth. This is simply because at one point in their life, it meant life or death for them when they realized that abusive violent parents were not what they expected them to be.
In your world of manipulation, war, and other aggressiveness, it is advantageous to be an empath, however, one day when your people stop deceiving others and start functioning assertively, then these behaviours will be cast aside.
Integrity is everything. Acting from a standpoint of integrity and assertiveness, one dispenses with these behaviours and begins to align more with soul. The soul does not deceive. It cannot. It does not have hidden agendas, and does not seek to control others. The more you look at our list and discover in what ways you conduct yourself out of fear, control and manipulation and seek to stop it, the more you will align with the truth within yourself.
Me: Thanks Ivo.
Ivo: My love. You have always been an interesting study. It has been my pleasure to do so.
YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega
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