Tuesday, February 23, 2021
The 5th Dimensional State | Judith Kusel
(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Judith Kusel
The 5th Dimensional State is all about forgiveness of self and others and the transmutation of fear and negativity. One is receptive the Divine Love, Wisdom and Power, and the Unity consciousness arises as one finally understands that in truth, that one is ONE with all and everything, and the DIVINE, the rest of the cosmos, and in truth cannot ever not be part and particle of the ONE SINGLE WHOLE. Indeed, one lives this. One cannot see or act out separation.
The 7th dimensional State is the frequency humans rise to when they fully have activated their higher Light body, their highest transmitter channels and now truly can tap into their Higher Soul Selves, the Soul Groups, and the Cosmic Hierarchy. Before this many soul then ascended, meaning they left their physical forms completely. However, now a lot of these soul who have already reached this state, have chosen in the highest possible service to the Divine to stay in their physical form and assist the rest of humanity to raise their consciousness levels – as it takes one Ascended Master Being, to raise the frequency bands of thousands, if not millions. This is also known as the 7th Heaven, where the higher Ascended Masters and the Masters of Shamballa reside, as well as the Ancient Ones. It is also where most of the angels reside in and become integrated within oneself.
One cannot access the 6th to 7th dimensional states, without truly mastering the Negative Ego. In that ego is neutral, if imbalanced, it will be destructive, on either side of the scales.
The Sun gate to Sirius and the opening of the Fires of Illumination from the 7th Central Sun, is now allowing the Ancient Sun-discs to emerge, but also then the ancient keys and codes of SUN- meaning ILLUMINATION.
An illumined Being, is fully conscious, in full mastery of himself or herself, thus the lower ego, and therefore then fully empowered by the threefold fires, of Love, Power and Wisdom.
Power without wisdom and Love is brutal. It forces, it destructs.
Yet, power when wisely used, with great unconditional love, brings about the highest possible service and always aligns to the Divine Will and Purpose, which is greater than the sum of Self. It therefore creates balance and harmony, for it can do or be no other, for the inner SOUL SELF is in harmony, and balance, equilibrium with itself!
This time, then is essentially the PATH OF THE SOUL, towards remembering its ONENESS with all that is. More than this, it is the inner empowerment, the inner soul activation and full activation of the higher transmitters, with the state of pure, unconditional love, steeped in wisdom, and then the powers rise, to fully live a Soul Empowered life. Once one is Soul Empowered, one can do or be no other than to fully serve one’s soul purpose and mission, with great love and devotion.
In truth, the soul has incarnated for one purpose only – to serve in the highest and best way the greater good of All, through utilizing it soul genius, and therefore serving the Divine with all that it is! By doing this fully, and with great love and wisdom, and empowered, the soul is not only raising its own consciousness, and dimensional frequency band, but that of the collective as well!