Saturday, February 20, 2021
Reality is Like a Schoolyard | Alcazar Quotes
Reality Is Like a Schoolyard
This whole of reality is set up like a schoolyard. You graduate from a certain level of consciousness, you elevate and there are always challenges that are new doorways to open, new lessons to learn. With your elevation comes the next level in this learning experience. But what can start to occur with your Superconsciousness as your guide is that you can move quite rapidly. And as the challenges come, you can actually meet them with a kind of enthusiasm. Can you feel that potential to let go of what you may perceive as your current limitations just for a moment? Imagine a reality where you wake up in the morning and you say, "I am so excited to see what this new dawn brings me. Because I know that I have the resources to elevate beyond, or to go deeply into whatever life presents this day."
- Alcazar
Becoming Superconscious, Monthly Membership Program, Feb. 2021