Credit: instituteofhypnotherapy.com
By Steve Beckow, February 6, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Ascension, mysticism, the search for the Holy Grail, enlightenment, call it what you wish – all of it can be encapsulated in a single word.
That word is love.
How simple it is. I sit here drawing love up, on my in-breath, from the artesian well (1) that the heart is and sending it out, on the out-breath, to the world.
At what point do I turn away and resume “normal” life?
Well, I think of the laundry in the washer. Has it been half an hour? I need to put it in the dryer.
I flash on the turkey roasting in the oven. Do I need to baste it? When do I start the potatoes? The gravy?
I remember the breath.
But most times I don’t remember the breath and away we go on a fresh round of activity.
Why do I not sit here breathing up love and sending it out for hours and hours? Because I’m afraid of looking like a weirdo.
I listened to the Divine Mother on Linda Dillon’s Heart Call this morning and she said, if you know the love she’s speaking of, why are you not in it around the clock? Yes, why? This (above) is why. I don’t want to look like the village idiot, Mother.
I have to drop off a prescription at London Drugs. I need more coins for the laundry. On and on I go distracting and anchoring myself in Third-Dimensional reality, as Matthew Ward said, awareness-wise if not location-wise.
What would it take to sit here hour after hour, breathing up love and sending it out to the world? What?
(1) My heart is not as open as it was on March 13, 2015, when I had a fourth-chakra heart opening. But I still get enough love smuggled in through a crack in my 3D prison walls. Shhhhh…. I hear relief is on the way.
(2) “Although Earth and all of her residents are in fourth density location-wise, the majority of the populace still is within third density awareness-wise.” (Matthew’s Message, October 19, 2014, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.)
Mysticism can be Encapsulated in a Single Word | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/06/2021 11:36:00 PM