Letting Go for Something More | Wild Indigo Essence

(Wild Indigo Essence)

Letting go for something more

Posted on November 21, 2020

Greetings, dear friends~

As we face yet one more lockdown, one more vestige of control, I AM at peace. This comes as a surprise to me, and yet a feeling of “all is well.” As of late, I have been communing with the sacred elements, and primarily with Fire. As I burn off the last stronghold of my human nature, I AM shown the view from On High, and it is glorious. I am given patience, where frustration once resided. I am given insight, where veils were once closed tightly.

I dream this lockdown turns the last of the lights on. I dream of love and light reigning supreme. I dream of dancing in the street. As I write this, I’m led to turn inward and see that as I dream for abundance for myself, that energy fans out (from the flames of the fire, perhaps?) and I am able to help others achieve their dreams, simply by holding space for that energy. And I think, isn’t that what community is all about? As we hold space for the dreams of others, the Law of Attraction can’t help but reflect that energy back onto us, mirroring our love and light. Though our journeys are quite different, consider the path we all take to get “there” really isn’t that dissimilar from another. We’re all on our individual life paths, but if we look around, we can see others on a parallel path, possibly a converging path, and even still perhaps a path where some are able to stop and turn back, not willing to move forward…maybe wishing to relive their last journey or experience.

I have been surrounded by the energy of kindness and generosity and it has permeated my week, my very being, and I AM grateful. I felt the push to see in me that which required focus and that which simply required my release, for it no longer served my highest and best good. I wondered as I reflected on these energies, why did I feel I had to hold onto them? Indeed, they served their purpose for that time. But as I evolve past the need to stay in that experience, I must let go of that cord before I can reach for that new line on my path. I envision my left hand still holding onto the past cord and my right hand reaching out to grasp a loving hand to guide me on a new journey. I can only go so far before the cord of the past is tight and will give no more. I understand now I have a choice to make. I choose to let go. And with that release, I am gifted with a trust and faith that is stronger and more resilient for my next experience and that I am never alone. I AM encouraged to know this time in Fire was necessary to forge a temperate bridge to acceptance and a knowing of Self, of worth, and of a realization that I AM ready to receive abundance – in all its myriad of forms.

Addendum: This week was no different, in that I hadn’t planned on writing or posting in my blog today. Yet spirit had other plans and nudged and nudged until here we are. And even then, I was struck once again with “what do I write?” And for two days, I couldn’t let go of something I wrote to another person and was told how it would be poignant to so many others riding out the same storm – above and below, within and without. I am not normally a recycler of words, but when one surrenders to the soft whispers of inner guidance, one knows better than to argue. For your Higher Nature will always get through to you – sooner or later, one way or another. Me? I prefer the path strewn with ease and grace, thank you very much. And so I let go and actually ended up adding quite a bit to what I previously wrote to my friend. I smiled the whole time, as the words just flowed like a river into the ocean of so much more.

See you next time~


Sometimes I understand the correlation of my blog post with the chosen dream from my journal. Other times: nothing comes. What’s weird with this particular dream and blog post, is I sense a connection and the electricity within that sensing, yet I’m not fully connecting the dots. Maybe I’m not meant to, so I won’t struggle with it.

Sending love, light, and blessings your way~

February 2019

Had this dream many times before, but I couldn’t understand it, or piece it together enough to write something.

I am presented with a frame, computerized outline of a person, a humanoid structure. (I think it’s me.) Always I am uploading the knowledge and information that I possess into the framework. The frame then shows on a big screen with data on the left, supposedly showing the information that is going into the frame. I couldn’t understand why they wanted my knowledge, since it’s so limited still, but now am told I’m the beginning of this process for the ones who will soon awaken or are newly awakened. There are others also contributing far more knowledgeable information after me. Basics. Always start with basics or the body/mind complex wouldn’t survive the influx of data and light codes. And I saw the programming blocks again. They were coming through right to left in rapid succession and not in order, like the top row would blink brighter than the third, but all were moving rapidly.

I see colored circles, like poker chips or the size of them. Deep red and blue. The two circles almost filled my mind’s eye, almost forming a Vesica Pisces. I wondered in my dream and even after I woke up what was all that about?

Later that morning, I was reading Law of One before work and there was RA describing the primary centers of red and blue! “Red is the foundation. Blue is the first ray of radiation of self – regardless of any actions from another.” “The blue ray entity is a co-creator.” I appreciated this dream on so many levels.
Letting Go for Something More | Wild Indigo Essence Letting Go for Something More | Wild Indigo Essence Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 2/20/2021 09:57:00 PM Rating: 5

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