Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Influenced by the Morphic Field of Humanity | Alcazar Quotes
Influenced by the Morphic Field of Humanity
There are many, many layers to reality. And so, now we move to talk about the morphic field of humanity. What is this? It is an energetic that you are all connected to. Most people are unaware of it. Most people do not feel it, but it is there. It connects you. It touches you on an emotional level. And so when there are occurrences happening on your planet that affect many people, then there is a noticeable shift, change in the morphic field of humanity.
In these times where there have been, and still are, many people feeling stress, fear and panic about that which is called your Covid-19 so-called pandemic, many people being in fear can affect the morphic field of humanity. And if you are sensitive, then these vibrations, these lower energetics of fear and panic, can be sensed, felt by you. If you are not so sensitive, the energies are still affecting you, but you start to believe, "Oh, this is me." And so, we are talking about this to allow you to begin to expand your understanding and your sensitivity and to know that sometimes when there is a wave of depression that you are sensing or feeling, first, ask yourself, "is this really me? Or is this something I am receiving from the Quantum Field?" And very often in these days, Beloveds, this energy can be from the mass unconscious of humanity who are in fear, panic, survival mode.
- Alcazar
Becoming Superconscious On-going Membership Program, Feb 2021