(Golden Age of Gaia)
February 26, 2021
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
I feel my fate in what I cannot fear.
I learn by going where I have to go.
~ Theodore Roethke, The Waking
I’m very fond of the notion that we already know everything. That we can just open up some little doorway in the top of our heads, and in flows unbounded knowledge.
I remember Dr. Peebles noting this during a reading in 2018:
“Every single piece of information that ever has been known, is known, or will be known, you have access to…With complete surrender, you can speak a language you’ve never heard. You can find a way to a destination you’ve never been to.”
And a bit later:
“It’s not hard, nothing’s hard. You are Universal Consciousness. You can speak Portuguese or Turkish tomorrow if you want. When you are noticing that you are practicing something new, give yourself a gentle little wink…and remind yourself, this is new to me. It’s unfamiliar. Not hard. Just unfamiliar at the moment.”
Lovely! I’ve always wanted to speak Portuguese.
But I haven’t found the doorway. Reminding myself “it’s unfamiliar, not hard” only goes so far.

If it’s true that we know everything if we just open up to it, why isn’t that the case in our everyday physical reality? Why CAN’T I just speak Turkish, or know how to get to that new bakery without looking up the address?
We’re told through many channelings and teachings past and present that all will be revealed once we “hit fifth dimension vibrational level.” Presumably, that’s when we will automatically and instantly know anything we want to know. Voila! Here’s the answer slotted directly into your consciousness.
However, since it appears impossible to pin down when that will happen, or if it will happen to everybody at the same time, or in the same way…
In our ho-hum third or fourth dimensional experience (for me, anyway), it seems we must trudge on for a bit longer, feeling our way with hands outstretched in the dark, trying to find objects before we stub our toes on them.

I am almost as fond of operating instructions as I am of the notion that soon, we will already know everything. Good thing, because sometimes those Instructions for Use are all that’s between me and an avant-garde work of art rather than the beautiful cedar potting bench that arrived, flat-packed, from the big box store.
I learn by experience, often guided by someone else’s knowledge and experience (and written instructions, thank you very much). I learn by trying things out. When I am aware and remember to check in with that fantabulous organ we might call intuition or even psychic sense, then I do often “know“ how to do something or what a situation is about. Sometimes even “know“ what to do in a solid, unshakable way that I can’t begin to explain through logic. I just KNOW.
Maybe a bit like the Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild so often says, “You will KNOW.“
I’m looking forward to “just knowing.“ I truly am. In the meantime, between now and then, here and there, I will review the instruction manuals. And assemble a beautiful potting bench instead of the avant-garde, possibly beautiful, but nonfunctional cedar work of art.

Dr. Peebles through Natalie Gianelli, nataliegianelli.com
I Learn by Going Where I have to Go | Dr. Peebles via Natalie Gianelli
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/27/2021 07:05:00 AM