God-Natured | Heavenletters
FEB 7 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
Be good-natured. This is a marvelous thing, to be good-natured. Have the intent that you will be good-natured. You would rather be good-natured than difficult, would you not? I know you would.
Good nature rolls with the punches. Good nature shrugs its shoulders and says: “So what if everything isn’t as I wanted it to be? So what if everything isn’t correct by my standards or anyone’s standards? I do not have to let anything interfere with my pleasure. Certainly not the little things in life.
“I, Good Nature, am the natural nature. Everyone is to have me. Everyone is to reveal me.”
Fussiness, on the other hand, says: “Everything must be in its place. In the place I say.”
Fussiness likes to jump on any infraction of its many rules. Sometimes fussiness doesn’t even know its own rules until it sees them broken. Sometimes fussiness gives no warning, not even to himself. Fussiness flares his nostrils. Even without a word, he makes himself known. Fussiness is a dragon with fire and claws who lands on others’ shoulders.
What a great goal, to be easy to please. This is a high goal. Just think of it. To be pleased rather than displeased. To give pleasure rather than displeasure.
You can do it, beloveds. You can rescue yourself from dismay and others from it too.
It may be in the little issues that you judge, therefore making the little into big. Why would you do this to yourself?
Displeasure does not make you royalty. No one wants to be prissy like the princess and the pea. Fussiness does not royalty make. Royalty reveals good nature. Be you then royalty who is pleased with all and blesses all. The domain of those who are readily pleased is the whole universe. They rule the galaxies.
Fussiness takes tiny mincing steps. Good nature is God-natured and leaps. Not caught up in the little things, good nature makes great strides.
Good nature doesn’t purse its lips. It doesn’t pinch its nose. No, good nature is a Grand Lady.
Carry the intent with you to be good-natured. If there is something that has to be corrected, be so good-natured that everyone wants to comply.
Have new standards that welcome even those who do not follow your standards.
Here is the secret. Find the good that exists along with what may infringe on your standards. There are better things than perfection, beloveds. Look for them. Let easy-goingness rise high in your estimation.
Remember that everyone is My child. Everyone wants to make you happy. No one is trying to get away with being less than you like, and yet they must be allowed their freedom. You must allow them their freedom, and give yourself the same freedom.
You do not have to be so meticulous as you may have been. Be more welcoming of yourself and your so-called errors. Be more welcoming. Be wholeheartedly welcoming. Welcome the world to your heart. Welcome yourself, and then you will be good-natured.
Consider that you are a dancer of life. You are light on your feet. Your touch is light. You leap high. You reach Heaven. How happy you are. You leap high, and you land on your feet. You are the sun who welcomes and blesses all according to the highest wisdom.
This is love We are speaking about. This is love so dear to My heart.
Today, no more frowns, beloveds. Today, you smile. Today you smile at everyone who appears before you. That’s all you have to do is to smile, and mean it, beloveds. Mean it.
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God-Natured | Heavenletters #3261
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/07/2021 10:55:00 AM