(Golden Age of Gaia)
February 14, 2021
Dr. Peebles, from a recent group email session, channeled by Natalie Gianelli
Stay in the moment…let yourself dance in advance.

Dr. James Martin Peebles
This time on Earth can be tremendously peaceful, though the mind will tell you it is frantic or worried because it doesn’t know what is around the corner or what to anticipate. It is out of its element. It wants to know the details, but it is not really necessary for the mind to know this.
You have been taught as human beings to anticipate your future, to look ahead, to look both ways, to remember what you were taught yesterday, to anticipate what will be on the test tomorrow. You have been asked/taught to live in a version of survival by your ancestors but almost nothing on planet Earth does this. Every other species truly lives in the moment as it is experiencing it.
You are learning to be present, to honor that which is, without being overwhelmed with what was or will be. You are coming back into alignment with nature.
We want to encourage you to enjoy the not-knowing a little bit. If you take a tour in a new city, can you be excited about what the tour guide will tell you or show you, without needing to look at the map or ask what he will show you next so you can mark it down?

Or, if you are at a movie, do you ask the person next to you what scene will be next so you can prepare for it? Most likely not. You just enjoy the movie. You stay in the moment.
Stay in the moment, have joyfulness in this, let yourself dance in advance. Have mercy with the fears the mind brings up. They are trained fears, taught by your ancestors, but nothing the natural world encourages you to do.
Live in the moment, as you are experiencing it!
Enjoy the Tour, One Block at a Time | Dr. Peebles via Natalie Gianelli
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/15/2021 12:21:00 AM