(Operation Disclosure)
By Parisse Deza
Dr. Coleman's Emotional Honesty Teaches Us How To Save Our World
"He's the Lone Ranger, Robin Hood and the Equalizer rolled into one." (Glasgow Evening Times)Recently, in an effort to assist humanity's movement forward, I have been questioning myself and the Universe quite rigorously:
"Britain's leading health care campaigner" (The Sun)
"Dr Vernon Coleman is one of our most enlightened, trenchant and sensible dispensers of medical advice." (The Observer)
"Sharpest mind in medical journalism." (Daily Star)
"Perhaps the best known health writer in the world today" (The Therapist)
"Probably one of the most brilliant men alive." (Irish Times)
Why haven't we seen through the transparent scam of this fake pandemic? Why are we still stuck here?
To continue to support the actions of criminal doctors, business people, and politicians at this point suggests a deeply disturbed and suppressed psychological condition. When true feelings are kept from expression, a person is left powerless, with only numbing, submissive behavior available, which is repulsive and sickening to the soul, and this is the current state of a population who refuses to acknowledge the facts regarding this simple corona virus, long ago proven no more dangerous than common flu. In fact, most of us have more of a chance of dying in a car accident than from "covid".
Many are buying the lie to the point where they will allow themselves to be injected with a very dangerous, untested, genetically manipulative substance, and Dr. Coleman clearly and succinctly explains just what this means medically and legally.
How have we gone this far for this long?
We are stuck here because we cannot let ourselves feel the depth of our grief and rage at being psychologically manipulated by psychopathic forces pushing fascist mandates and phony medicines. As a group, we have turned off our feelings and become obedient, telling ourselves we will somehow be safer if we put up and shut up. Simply put, we are living in fear and delusion, rather than in confidence and clarity, which is our natural state. And all this is an old, old, old story in human history.
This understanding crystallized in me tonight after I watched this seventeen minute video by Dr. Vernon Coleman of England, a retired MD who has been making videos for ten months about the horrifically destructive covid fraud. Here, after elucidating the unbelievable level of irresponsibility doctors have shown in recommending untested, genetically-altering substances to their patients and families, he deeply feels and expresses the human emotions that are essential to be felt by the public to bring this insane experience to an end. By the time he gets to the last minutes of his message, citing one after another of individual instances of the hundreds who have died and the thousands who have been injured by having been part of this illegal vaccine experiment, he lets his rage and grief flood him almost uncontrollably and does not edit this out.
It is going to take this kind of emotional honesty for humanity to save itself now. Until we feel what we really do feel about literally having given away our power and our lives to a deranged cabal of irredeemable satanists, we will be empty and hurting inside, in deep shame and guilt for having betrayed ourselves.
And THAT is the reason we have not brought the madness to an end - the truth is much too horrible to see. We lack the emotional honesty to face the huge guilt we have been accumulating by obeying orders out of fear, when we should have been obeying our innate intelligence, trusting our immune system, and making vigorous changes to the social structure we live in. How dreadful to realize we are this weak! But how simple to change that.
I deeply thank Vernon for being courageous enough to be emotionally vulnerable, to model for us a healthy human being, and I hope you all will share this message and his video with everyone you know. It may be the trigger that wakens.
Looking forward to a brighter, freer world ahead
Parisse Deza is a new age Renaissance man, a visionary with 47 years experience in self-cultivation arts, who calls his field Consciousness and Creativity. He is an educator, counselor, reader, artist, writer, and Daoist internal alchemy, chigung, and feng-shui adept living in Sedona, Arizona. His main purpose is seeing-in the Aquarian Age and the fulfillment of the original American dream of absolute personal freedom in relationship with all Life.
You are always welcome and encouraged to share my writing, respecting my rights and needs as an author. If you use excerpts, be sure to leave them in the form they came in, employing "..." between passages you want to shorten. This way the work keeps its integrity. Thanks.
For all my published articles from last year and this one, go here:
Dr. Coleman's Emotional Honesty Teaches us How to Save our World | Parisse Deza
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/09/2021 09:15:00 PM