By Steve Beckow, February 1, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Boy, the cognitive dissonance inside is primal and disruptive.
I want to process it, in part to be out of it and in part so we can see how the upset clearing process works in real time. I declare I’m in an upset from the dissonance.
Let me describe it.
On the one hand, I’d like to see things from a unitive perspective. On the other hand, I’m wedded to a single outcome: The Alliance prevailing.
I don’t consider the Biden team to be part of the Alliance. I do consider the Trump team to be.
So, if it’s a question of either/or, I prefer the Trump Team.
Where the cognitive dissonance comes in is I know that loving all would be a higher place to be, but I feel certain that my mission exists at the level I’m at: Seeing that the cabal is dislodged and that the Alliance prevails.
And then I watch myself add self-righteousness to that, excuses, justifications and denials. But underneath those habitual responses, I’m still committed to the Alliance prevailing.
I also know that the cabal would be dislodged even if I did nothing. The Divine Plan is that they quit or leave. Now is the time for Ascension. It’s fish or cut bait.
So I don’t have to be doing this. But I still want to.
Michael once told me to choose my battles and that’s what I’m doing. The battle I choose is to the battle to end cabal rule, whatever the personal cost to me.
Interestingly, the cognitive dissonance – the preoccupation, jangled feelings, emotional roller coaster, etc. – just lifted. Muscular tension in the body (primarily in the shoulders and the back of the neck) relaxed. Stress went with it.
This is another instance in which a primary foundation of this work of clearing upsets has been affirmed: The truth has set me free. The truth behind my decision (and deciding is one way out of dissonance) is that I want to support the Alliance. I choose to support the Alliance.
Allowing that truth to be, without retort or resistance, has set me free from the cognitive dissonance. I just want to underline that.
I’m doing this publicly in the hope that you read this, can see the same patterns in your own day-to-day, and try out these ways of self-release.
I’m not somehow saying you should think like me. I’m making available ways to exit and upset.
I could stop there, but I’d like to take the matter further.
It seems like a battle of love against will, my Divine Feminine against my Divine Masculine.
OK, yes, I see it. My mother and father were, in my mind, fighting constantly. This memory of their continual battles, which I later called “a cycle of abuse,” is what I’m seeing in the outside world.
We couldn’t see it in the outside world unless we know it already in the inside: I know domestic violence. (1)
I don’t have a recollection of love plus will, the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine working together in harmony. Only a lot of suppression which then explodes, rinse and repeat.
I know this situation won’t be solved as an either/or. Both have to be part of the solution.
I wouldn’t be surprised to find one day that spiritual evolution consists in large measure of “either/ors” that are resolved by becoming “both/ands.” Like a lot of bubbles that are coupled together and then become one.
Love and will; not love or will.
This is an area where I hand off from the Recovery Dept. to the Reparenting Dept. This is not upset recovery now. It’s adult re-education.
In the absence of any recollection of family harmony and cooperation, such that this lack is shaping my antagonistic view of current events, what do I need to do by way of reparenting to correct the situation?
(1) The Arcturians: Because you were to work with Ascension, you were called upon to create a reality in which you went to the depths of the depths [with your Father] while you also experienced great love [from your Mother]. (The Arcturians in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Suzanne Lie, March 16, 2013.)
And you chose the childhood that you chose to deeply experience that darkness so that you, a child in your environment, can tell long before an eruption of darkness that it’s time to run and hide. So you’ve been trained since childhood to hear the faintest whisper of darkness. (The Arcturians, ibid., July 22, 2014.)
Archangel Michael: The human heart, the esoteric heart, the spiritual heart, the seat of your soul in many ways was fractured. In the truth of Ascension, this is what you are doing: Healing and opening to a greater capacity of love consciousness. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Dec. 20, 2017.)
Cognitive Dissonance Builds and is Processed | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/02/2021 12:12:00 AM