Friday, January 8, 2021

White Cloud via Blossom Goodchild | January 7, 2021

By Steve Beckow, January 7, 2021

(Golden Age of Gaia)

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From the Video:

The Federation of Light and indeed myself have said many times, many, many times, that your world is to get far more topsy-turvy than what took place in your last year.

So it begins, my friends, the unrest that is taking place not only in the country where there is much unrest this day, yet the ripple effect it has [will go] all over the world and the fact that everything you hear on your news is there to bring down, to suppress, and to confuse.

You must know, dearest souls, that there is a Divine Plan which is taking place. And within this topsy-turviness that is causing so much disturbance of mind, of soul, of heart that there is a place for you to hold your swords of light to the skies. …

You came here to do this, my friends. Let it not be now that you waver, that your thoughts go under, that your heart lies low. No, instead let it be now that those swords of light are raised up and charged with the energy of love that is filtering down to your beings from the Divine Source. (“White Cloud via Blossom Goodchild, Jan. 7, 2021,” January 7, 2021, at