By Steve Beckow, January 9, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
If (A) life is what we make of it and (B) humans value how they feel above all else, then why are we not allowing ourselves to feel the very best we can in this moment and the next and the next?
What would the world look like if everyone went around in a state of love, joy, or bliss? Fifth Dimensional, right? What’s wrong with that?
If we value how we feel above everything else, why is there not a technology, an art, a science, and a spirituality to assist us to remove all obstacles in our path (vasanas or core issues) and generate whatever is needed in ourselves to feel love, joy, and bliss?
There already is?
Well, good.
On another day: I’m at a place in self-observation where I can see myself speaking from a script. Everything I was saying was cliched and I was intent on being seen as being clever.
Oh gawd, I’m so tired of my constructed self. Why did I build such an open-and-shut machine?
Let me out of here. What do I need to do? Wake up?
Do you need to scare me awake? Does a near-death experience have to happen to raise the energy level enough for me to see how automatic I’m being.
What I’m looking for doesn’t even exist in that realm.
If I follow my feelings I’ll have a better chance of finding what I’m looking for, which is love, bliss, and joy.
We sometimes think of ourselves as besmirched beings, damaged goods, born in original sin. But I know from experience that we were born in original innocence and who we are remains innocent come hell or high water. (1)
(1) For a description of the experience in which I felt my own natural innocence and purity, see “Original Innocence,” Sept. 21, 2018, at and “Archangel Michael Explains What Happened at Xenia,” Sept. 22, 2018, at
What Would the World Look Like? | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/09/2021 11:40:00 PM