Thursday, January 14, 2021

Transmission: Exorcising the Global Demonic Force | Tiara Kumara

By Tiara Kumara

Blessings Warriors of the Light,

This meditative transmission, "Exorcising the Global Demonic Force" gives substantial support to help transmute the forces of division and hatred that propels the corrupt power structures existing in our world. This especially concerns those with intention to dominate and enslave humanity.

In this activity, we are wielding the light of love, mercy and compassion to bring instantaneous transmutation to the building destructive energy now unleashing in full force in our precarious world. We are all called to serve as pure channels, light transmitters and invokers of divine intervention. Our call compels the answer in accordance to Divine Will and the highest good of the human race.

There is great unfolding happening now. We can give tremendous support through our prayers, invocations and transmission. Please do this transmission as soon as possible.

Accessed here: