January 13, 2021
The New Moon, according to Western Sidereal Astrology, occurs on Jan. 13 early am with the Sun, Moon, Venus, and Pluto in the fire sign of Sagittarius. It’s a turning point in history, yet we still feel we’re in the dark and don’t know what’s happening in the US, and around the world.
It’s time to plant our seeds of intention for the new cycle, do some reflection, and be willing to stand up for the truth as spiritual warriors, and join hands to help defeat the darkness.
Can you feel the tension and volatility in yourself, those around you, and on the planet right now?
How can you redirect this energy, use it to grow stronger and help protect those that you love?
Mars rules war, machines, and self will, and Uranus wants freedom and to awaken humankind tonight! They are closely conjoined in the fire sign of Aries until 1/21 and it’s important to use caution, drive carefully, be mindful of your communication with others, and surround yourself with loving and peaceful energy,
There is a square between Mars and Uranus with Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury in the earth sign of Capricorn. How can we integrate these two intense patterns, one is exploding with the urge to destroy all the old darkness and enslavement in the world?
The other side wants to keep control of our minds through fear, poverty, illness, and old Draconian rules that are corrupt and against God’s will for a loving and prosperous world for everyone.
Can you feel the powerful energy with 6 planets in fire signs? How can you express yourself as a leader and sovereign human being to help others who are confused and afraid?
NESARA is unfolding and our new republic in the US based upon the constitution, is a model for the global community to follow suit. And amazing blessings will be unfolding for everyone very soon.
Let’s maintain a child like heart of wonder and an attitude of gratitude.
The best is yet to come!!
The New Moon in Sagittarius: Passion for the Truth | Ami Sattinger
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/13/2021 04:42:00 AM