By Steve Beckow, January 5, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Again, you may not agree with all Denise says here, but it makes for provocative reading at a time when some of us may feel interest-challenged!
And the feedback on how she sees us? Try it on. Test it out. See if it fits. If it fits, own it.
If it doesn’t fit, you shouldn’t find it difficult to let go of. (If you do feel resistance, own it.)
By the way, what she says about computers and the Internet, I’ve thought about cellphones.
The Many Non Compos Mentis
Denise LeFay, Era of Light, Jan. 5, 2021
So Many in Ascension Community Still Perceiving Everything With Duality Consciousness. Like myself some of you have been aware during these ascension years that many people who present themselves online and/or physically as ascension teachers, writers, channels etc., plus large numbers of people within the ascension and conspiracy communities have been hijacked and aren’t even aware of it.
Not only have they been hijacked but the majority of them still have only Duality consciousness they’re perceiving reality, politics, the ascension, COVID-19 and everything else with. That means they’re still focused externally for solutions, fixes, answers, saviors and leaders be that a president, an old patriarchal Duality reality two-party political party, a patriarchal Duality consciousness conspiracy group(s), a religious leader/leaders, and they’re doing this with old Duality consciousness still.
What’s been playing out politically in this country—very visibly and for important reasons worldwide—and what’s been playing out globally and in all areas of old patriarchal Earth life and reality are the same things that have been happening to everyone in the ascension and conspiracy communities.
The ascension teachers, writers, lecturers, the videos they make of themselves, and people who channel are at the top of that list because they influence large numbers of readers globally with a click of their computer mouse. As great as personal computers and the internet are, like everything else they’ve been used negatively to intentionally hijack humans and human consciousness away from the natural evolutionary Ascension Process, NEW higher Triality frequencies and consciousness, and NEW Earth.
Some want you to remain in old lower frequency Duality consciousness fighting, rebelling, being and feeling victimized and disempowered, protesting, paying for everything while getting nothing, hating, attacking, projecting on to the dualized other person/people/group/groups because if you are focused on those things, you are not evolving beyond them. You are still in lower frequency Duality consciousness and, amazingly to me, many in the ascension community are convinced that is the ascension!
It is not. [Ascension is] the end of Duality and patriarchy reality on Earth. [This kind of behavior is] some people’s negative ego and lack of discernment and higher awareness being hijacked by itself and/or by someone or something else and derailed and duped for all sorts of personal reasons into loitering in old lower frequency Duality consciousness and reality.
It’s sad, frustrating and hard to witness anyone including some well-known online ascension teachers, writers, lecturers, channelers be so easily hijacked in their personal Ascension Process either by some parasitic human Portal Person and/or some nonphysical, nonhuman negative alien or entity. (1) However this has been the case since the Ascension Process started.
The best protection from negative ascension hijackings is to honestly know what negative energy feels like. When you’re honestly familiar with that, you instantly sense IT in any physical portal person and/or any etheric alien, being, entity and instantly take whatever actions are necessary in that moment. To protect yourself from negativity during the ascension, you need to honestly know what that energy feels like and unfortunately most people don’t which is why so many have been hijacked, even by their own negative egos.
Because we’ve just completed the 2020 November and December holidays, many of you who dealt with family members, in-laws, friends and neighbors during them have fresh experiences (wounds, damage, frustrations, guilt, plus some big helpful insights) with portal people trying to hijack you and/or energetically emotionally parasite, control, guilt, create self-doubt and derail you in any way they still can.
If you’ve been strong, aware, discerning and brutally honest with yourself in every way you can imagine all these ascension years, then you’ve foiled countless physical human Portal People and etheric Team Dark attempts to hijack you and worse. Congratulations are in order as that is no easy task. Not only that, but you’ve learned a lot about yourself, consciousness, duality and duality consciousness, nonhuman Team Dark and human Portal People and negative ego and how all that has and continues working on, in and through those who’ve been hijacked and/or are still only using lower frequency Duality consciousness.
This next bit I’ve known about for the past few years but it was confirmed a few days ago when I watched only two minutes of someone’s latest video. This so-called ascension teacher/writer/lecturer was hijacked a few years ago which is clearly visible in her eyes, lack of Light generally and in her eyes, her actions, words and by who is controlling her and her ascension teachings. Pay attention, feel, look, listen, discern as it’s all right there out in the open now and in many cases video taping themselves! Learn and recognize what’s happened to her, to him, to them and that none of them are aware of any of it. Recognize these things but keep moving forward. Some people are roadkill, some are temporary roadkill, some will recover, some won’t. They are not your responsibility, you are. Keep doing what you came here to do Embodier and Pathpaver and know it will make things easier for those who still are looking at the ascension with only Duality consciousness at this point.
The January 2020 Divine Cease & Desist Order was no joke — it was an unconditional mandate, a divine decree from On High that was for all of us incarnate on Earth now. Slow moving Shift. Slow moving Separation of Worlds is what’s been unfolding rapidly all of 2020, and for years before it, but much of humanity eventually got the Divine message in one form or another that (not that they knew that’s what it was) things had been instantly and permanently changed across Earth in January 2020. Because of that we all had to Cease & Desist most everything we’d been doing. That was a profound blessing and giant assist actually which some people have been slowly discovering throughout 2020. Many have not however. Most needed a few months to personally Cease & Desist what they’d been doing for so long, many resisting for a good while at that. As I’ve said many times over these ascension years, you can intellectually know something but living it as a manifest physical reality is a whole different story. Many ascension teachers, writers, channelers have taught and written about this, some for years, and yet when it suddenly became a manifest reality physically many of them resisted it for a variety of personal reasons.
I wrote a few articles in 2020 that dealt with some of these hard and unpleasant truths and I did so because it needed, needs to be understood. Just because we’re all incarnate on Earth now during this very rare universal Ascension Process does not mean everyone makes it to the highest level or highest NEW Earth together or at the same time. There are many ascension teachers/writers/channelers and other people that have been pulled off, lured off, hustled off, romanced off, ‘Smash & Grabbed’ off the ascending path they were on for different personal reasons. Whatever personal weakness and blind spots you and I have are taken advantage of and used to derail you, me, each of us from our personal Ascension Process. That plus you cannot take those weaknesses and blind spots with you into the NEW codes and Light and NEW Earth.
You know why people and many ascension teachers/writers/channelers get derailed like this? Because they don’t live what they teach, write, preach or channel. You have to embody it yourself and even after that we’re all repeatedly tested at every higher energetic stairstep to see if each of us is capable of maintaining the latest higher frequencies we’ve embodied and not be derailed, tricked or manipulated by anyone or anything from what you’ve embodied energetically to date. If you cannot maintain the higher frequencies while under duress or while someone or something attempts to redirect you to where they want you to be, and say or write to your readers what they want you to say and write, then you’ve been hijacked and won’t go higher until you solve your derailment hijack problems. In other words, you’ve “fallen” ascension teacher, writer or channeler because you couldn’t hold the latest embodied higher frequencies while dealing with whatever and whoever it was or still is that’s doing their best to bring you down vibrationally, or stop your personal ongoing Ascension Process, and/or use you and your writings or videos etc. to misinform people. And there’s been a lot of misinformation about the ascension since it started.
The Much More Intense Energies of Phase 2
Since the start of December 2020 the latest incoming Light energies have and continue to be vastly more intense than the month, months and year, years before. The ascension energy stairsteps go up, not down, so expect the energetic and physical side effects of that to continually increase and also change into more new and NEW and slightly different symptoms and abilities. This is our current lives and this compressed evolution won’t end in our lifetimes so except constant change for the NEW, higher and better.
There are moments, sometimes longer as in hours or days when the latest incoming NEW higher Light energies, solar transmissions, deeper Photon Light, NEW codes and Triality consciousness and reality get very, very intense and cause momentary concern over the pressures and pains and if your physical body can embody them. December 2020 into January 2021 has been that constantly.
Sometimes when the embodying of these much higher Phase 2 frequency energies briefly overwhelms me, it causes me to momentarily weep or moan aloud but I always willingly surrender to yet another higher level of transformation and personal Embodiment. Sometimes this just hurts physically. Sometimes it’s more emotional, and sometimes it’s a profoundly spiritual moment of me embodying more of ME which sometimes feels like it could kill my physical body because, well, how do you fit a bit more of the Divine into your physical body, self and life? You sit or lay there and let IT happen a bit more. Then you do it some more a few hours later or the next day and the day after than and so on and so on and so on. Spiritual energetic “layering” like putting on more layers of clothes!
I’m sharing this because I want you to know that embodying these 2020 and now 2021 higher still energies is not always a blissed out affair. It can and sometimes is but typically it’s a combination of both OMG! and I AM! because we’re going HOME by becoming HOME by embodying more and more and more of our Higher Self/Soul into our living physical selves and bodies. OMG physical you meet divine higher YOU. This embodying and Embodying produces a NEW and different physical you/You/YOU, obviously. There’s no harm or shame or weakness etc. in being occasionally overwhelmed by this Process. What you, me, we have been doing all along is cosmically breathtaking, and the Process entered Phase 2 one year ago this month, which means we’re doing even higher frequency, more vast and complex cosmically breathtaking embodying now hourly since December 2020.
Some of the continued distortions being written and said by certain ascension teachers and ascension community people now is that we need to gather together in groups to accomplish and create higher level energetic things, realities, NEW Earth etc. I strongly disagree that this is now “needed” for embodiers and Embodiers to Consciously Create anything. We’re not in those old lower levels and states of being and consciousness anymore. What is needed now is that you gather together in a group that contains you and You and YOU to make your own personal, individual unified Triality based NEW Light human Self.
The NEW “groups” are you, You and YOU aligned, integrated, embodied and unified within and through the physical incarnate you and your body. When there’s more individuals who’ve done that in themselves, well, now we’ve got a NEW group of individuals that are whole within themselves, are energetically sovereign and empowered and don’t need anyone else to complete the package or gather together in groups to amplify the overall energy and quicken the manifestation of anything.
What’s required is individuals becoming “groups” within themselves first by embodying the NEW energies, DNA and codes etc. It is internal, not external. It is individual, not a church service or spiritual gathering with other people. It is required that you get your own inner “group” embodied and unified within yourself FIRST. Once that is done the rest is cake… is NEW Conscious Creator cake. 😉
In as polite and gentle a way as I could, I just tried to show you how the distortions are serious hijack derailment attempts by some so-called teachers, writers, and channels in the ascension community. There are no shortcuts with the Ascension Process. There is Do-It-Yourself, embody the ongoing higher and higher still NEW Light energies, DNA and codes while continuing to walk your way through the maze of sundry lower frequency lies, cons, distortions, BS and general lack of Higher Awareness of others. You are on your own in all this however you’ve got You and YOU at your disposal which means you’re golden!
We dropped a lot of Light and our individual You and YOU aspects to get the greatly reduced you aspect incarnate into physical reality now to live and embody the ascension on physical Earth. This is the return HOME part of that whole trip. This is when we embody and Embody the You and YOU aspects of our Higher Selves and Soul in our physical body, self and consciousness. Instead of dropping and setting aside our other “layers” to incarnate in density, we’re now embodying them to become the HOME we want to return to. It’s called you/You/YOU of NEW Earth and we’re well on our ways.
But you need to become your own “group” first, which is what many have been doing and we’ll continue doing it throughout 2021 at these much higher levels with these much higher frequency Light energies and NEW Triality codes. And yes it will at times still cause some physical and emotional pains, pressures and possible momentary doubts but you’ve been doing this long enough now to be familiar with the embodying steps. You’ve discovered, many times, that you repeatedly survive the continued onslaughts of embodying a bit more and a bit more at higher and higher still levels and frequencies. It’s time to stop second guessing yourself over this Embodiment Process and own it and be conscious of every time you embody a bit more.
Ignore the misinformation, distortions and negative egos of others that are not living what you are now. Ignore the 2021 continued chaos and BS because it’s going to take some more time to clear the old patriarchal swamp and swamp people. The NEW is here which is why the swamp is a frothing, rolling mess of Duality insanity at it’s very end of life.
Know that the NEW is behind it all pushing it up and out of existence so the HOME we’ve been Working on embodying can begin manifesting physically. Do not get distracted by the lowly stuff, people and their consciousness. Maintain the NEW in yourself, your HighHeart and body and keep doing what you’ve been doing because it’s working perfectly. Thank you for your continued Service to the highest Light and the altogether NEW.
Denise Le Fay
(1) Given the recent healing I had in which parasitic entities were removed from me, I’m interested to hear Denise’s comments.
The Many Non Compis Mentis | Denise LeFay
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/05/2021 09:36:00 PM