The Cusp of the World | Heavenletters
JAN 18 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
Yes, yes, I am aware of the struggles, yet I see such light from you, My children. The light is steady. I see My light. Your light beacons to Me as Mine beacons to you — all is well. That is the message of light. That is the permeating message of love. All is well, and all is One.
When you look into another’s eyes, you see My eyes in theirs. When I look at you, I see My eyes as well. My eyes are very much eyes of love. You are all My favorites. I look at you with love, and My love is answered. Yes, I am an Ocean Stream of Love. Whatever bobbles on the waters of the Ocean is as if nothing. Even a mighty ship on the Ocean is as if nothing. What, beloveds, could ruffle My feathers?
When you are far-seeing, nothing will ruffle yours either.
The greatest Earth tragedies do not upset the Ocean. The Ocean knows you are moving with it anyway. It takes you along. No matter what, you cannot stem the tide of the Ocean of Love.
The world is a bathtub of waves. You play in them. You think they are mighty waves. You splash. Some water goes over the edge of the tub. You wail. I understand how big troubles seem to you. Seen from within the tub, oh, they are gigantic. Seen from outside the tub, why, they are not much at all. Even your life’s blood is not so much.
The perspective you look from tells your story. Stories run a range of emotion and incident and character and intrigue and development and there never is a finish to the story. Even when it falls over the edge of the bathtub — or the Earth — the story isn’t finished. Because a book is closed, doesn’t mean its story is over. Even the last word written in the book doesn’t end the story. The story, no matter how it is drafted, is love, and love is never ever over. Love always is making its way. Charmingly, love wends from one heart to another without a care in the world. What can make a difference to love when love is all there is? Just like when you push water down in one place, it comes up in another. So is the story of love. It will emerge. Love is rising.
In one sense, while on Earth, everything is important to you. The curtains on your window are important. The hubcaps on your car matter to you. Well, have fun in the world, and know it is only the world. It is a temporary state of physical existence. You are, to all intents and purposes, on a boat ride. You may go around the world. You may visit every port. One day there will be a port where you get off. It is the greatest port of all. When you step onto the pier, it is only a little step, and yet the whole world is transformed, for you stand in the light that was always yours. You walk out of the world into the sunshine and you know you were in the sun all along. You were never out of it. All the while, you were the sunshine, even when the sun dipped over the horizon, even when the moon eclipsed the sun, even when anything — you were in the sun and you were the sun. The cusp of the world was what it was. The cusp of the world was only the edge of a bathtub.
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The Cusp of the World | Heavenletters #1597
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/19/2021 01:44:00 AM