Saturday, January 2, 2021

Take Responsibility for Self | Alcazar Quotes

Take Responsibility for Self

We are in love with humanity. We know you perhaps more than you know yourself. This is why it has already been said, it is time to take responsibility for your own self. Let that sink in really deeply. The energies that we bring to you through the various channels, through the various techniques, they can assist, but when you start to take responsibility for your own evolution, you will find that these channelings, these meditations, the support from the guides, suddenly become far more important, far more effective, far more powerful when you take responsibility for your own evolution. Yes, we are here to support you, but you will find the support goes deeper when you say, “I am in charge of my life now. I take responsibility for what is happening within me and around me. This for some is a big shift in understanding.

- Alcazar

Christmas Channeling, Dec. 25, 2020

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