Ascension is our graduation
By Steve Beckow, January 18, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
You know, I don’t know how I would have made it this lifetime if I did not treat each event as a learning experience.
If I didn’t sense at some level that all of this is moving towards some grand culmination.
If I didn’t know, at some place in my being, that things could be – and would be – better.
But going further back than that, because we always want to identify the prime mover, there’s an inner someone who takes the helm and renders life as a workshop and events as learning experiences for me.
I shy away from saying that I call him the “Commander” because it isn’t fashionable these days. But I do call him that.
He steps in when I need someone to take charge. (See? Being dissociated for fifty years has some advantages.)
The Commander is adult, willing to take charge, and resolute, which is what the inner child in me, who is flailing at that moment, needs.
So the discussion needs to presuppose that behind me approaching life as a learning experience is someone taking charge of my life in the first place.
Every action, positive or negative, can be educational. If positive, I can look at how to extend it. If negative, I can look at how to release it.
I haven’t time to take a course any more and I haven’t seen any courses on these things anyways. Not local, in-person courses.
A Vancouver reader wrote and said he photographed me walking to my apartment, “having a somewhat distracted air of internal deliberation with a pleasant half-scowl on your face. I immediately knew it was you, deep in thought or feeling or whatever.”
That’s me reflecting on life as a learning experience so beware that life may become so gripping and compelling that you may lose sight of the world around you. And scowl to keep people away!!!!
What it all leads to is the realization that everything people do is taught them and does not have to be the way it is. Our culture is a made-up thing that we all agree on (or don’t agree on) and we can make up other things as elements of our culture.
Ours is a blank canvas and a full palette of colors. I can change every way I be if it leads to what Suzi calls “elevation.” And the way I do it is by regarding life as a workshop and each event as a learning experience. And then by seeing how I be in it.
Seeing How I be | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/19/2021 01:53:00 AM