Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Real Fear and Pseudo Fear | Alcazar Quotes

Real Fear and Pseudo Fear

Standing on the cliff looking over when there is a strong wind - that fear is real. That fear has a vibration. The fear of being seen, the fear of another - those are programmed fears. It is possible to recognize, then to overcome those fears. The energy of deep gratitude can actually start to bring light of awareness into those views....These pseudo fears are obstacles. And so often you give your power away to these pseudo fears. It is possible to take the energy out of these pseudo fears and you can do it through appreciation, appreciating that you have lived through these situations which have created this fear programming. If you can start to at least appreciate, even if it is difficult to move into deep gratitude, then you can appreciate yourself for having lived through those situations.

- Alcazar

Understanding the Vibration of Gratitude, Thanksgiving, 2019