Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - January 2021
And so the month of January proceeds and, as was predicted, chaos and confusion ensue. Keep calm our Dear Ones, keep calm. Always keep in mind that the light has won.
This election chaos, these obviously false claims of victory by the dark ones, by the deep state, the powers that be, are only the beginning of this phase of the great awakening.
More chaos, more confusion, more uncertainty is to come. It will seem at times, truly, as if the dark has won and all hope of victory has gone out the door.
Do not despair, keep the faith, know that all is well on planet earth today. Yes, all is very well indeed. Remember always to trust the plan. Trust the wonderful plan that the Divine has for the ascension of planet earth.
We human beings tend to get involved in the day to day, moment to moment events that are happening around us. We focus, we concentrate, on the details of the moment and go into a doubting panic as we see and project possible failure.
Always, always keep in mind that this is the long predicted, long awaited time of the great awakening, of the great revelation of the perception deception that mankind has lived under for eons.
No matter what chaos and confusion are created, it is Divinely planned, Divinely orchestrated that mankind will arise, at this time from the matrix of the illusory world of propaganda. Propaganda, the tool that the powers that be have used to control mankind, and to manipulate his behavior.
Propaganda, let us look at the definition. Propaganda is “information, particularly of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.”
And next let us look at the word “information.” The definition of information is that it is “facts provided about someone or something.” And so what are the “facts” that are provided. Facts are a “thing that is known or proved to be true.”
So, here we have the distorted, circuitous twisting of words that is the propaganda style that the powers that be use to confuse, bewilder and perplex mankind.
Information, or facts, are provided to the public that are totally untrue, and that are known to be untrue. Those people still in the third dimensional matrix take what they are told as the truth.
They are addicted to their news sources, particularly television. And they believe that these facts that they hear are the truth provided by the government, the free press, the reporters.
The truth is that these so called facts that are repeated over and over
again are propaganda. They are untrue and misleading information
designed to subvert the understanding of the listener.
Designed to put fear into his mind and manipulate his behavior according to the agenda of the deep state. The information that the media provides is designed to promote actions based on nefarious stories.
Dear Ones do not be pulled into this. Do not, you, believe the devil’s, satan’s propaganda. For in this great stage play that is the planet earth experience, the bad actors, the powers that be, are playing the part of the devil, the part of satan.
So, it is critical to stay away from television, it is critical to stay away from the main stream media, for they are the propaganda tool of the dark alliance, of satan’s minions here on earth.
Propaganda, or shall we call it telling lies, giving untrue information is how the powers that be, have controlled mankind for eons. And this is all the easier now, in the 21st century for technology allows the intrusion of television into our homes 24/7.
And so the devil can now pour propaganda, vitriolic news, nefarious ideas, into our comprehension on a continual basis. This is hypnotism, this is mind control. This is how humans are tricked into thinking and believing what those who have seized authority want them to think and believe.
And you, our Dear Ones, being human, have a tendency to be caught up in this propaganda dissemination. True, you are not wallowing in the despair fear of watching the main stream news.
Yet even the alternative media can lead you astray and lower your vibration. In this time of the great revealing, where so many dark, nefarious and evil deeds are coming to the light, it is particularly important that you stay away from all that will bring down your vibration and put you into a down spiral of negative emotions.
You have a job to do at this time on planet earth. Listening to propaganda creates victims who behave according to the dictates of the propaganda they hear.
You are a sovereign being, a holy son of God, not a victim. You know in your heart you are holy and all is well. Yet you are human, and so you too can be swayed by false information, disseminated fears and bad violent actors.
Your job is to stay calm, above the fray, move to the upper room of understanding. Look down from a higher place at the chaos and confusion below, and smile benevolently. For you know all is well.
You trust the Divine plan for the ascension of planet earth and humanity. You know that chaos and confusion are necessary for the old worn and weary third dimensional control system to collapse.
And collapsing it is. Let us look at the situation as it is on planet earth today - from a different viewpoint. How wonderful it is that the bad actors, the devil’s minions are revealing themselves.
They are showing their corruption. We, the awakened ones. knew that the corrupt, bribery and blackmailing tentacles of the powers that be extended deep into all our societal structures. Into the government bureaucracy, into religious denominations, into education, the medical system, the police, the financial system.
Yet we did not know who the bad actors were. They have infiltrated every part of society. And now, this chaos, this confusing election, this voting fraud perpetrated on society, is showing us in depth and detail who is responsible for the corrupt behavior, who is responsible for stealing the election. And who is protecting those responsible for stealing the election.
We cannot remove the bad actors until we know who they are. Now they are showing themselves. By their actions they are brought to the light and they can be removed. And trust the plan, for they will be removed.
Yes, Dear Hearts, our Dear Lightworkers, Starseeds. Trust the plan. All is very well on planet earth today. The propaganda that has worked so well for the dark ones in the past is now revealing their duplicity.
They are being shown up for what they are. Remember always that nothing wrong ever happened on this planet earth experience that you designed for yourself.
All is happening exactly as it needs to. There are no accidents. This earthly life is as an intricate woven tapestry. And each thread that is intertwined and interwoven is a human life in perfect orchestration with all the other interwoven threads, with all the other human lives.
Yes, all is well on planet earth today. We trust the Divine plan for the ascension of mankind into the fifth dimension and for the resurrection of humanities DNA, for our return from duality and division to love and light.
Spread your radiance dear ones, just be, just breathe. The best is yet to come, yes, the best is yet to come.
Aita Channeling Her Higher Self. We Are Blessed Beings Indeed.
Propaganda | Aita Channeling Her Higher Self
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/08/2021 03:19:00 AM