© Cindy Lever Photography
Oracle: Sacred Whispers and 2021
Para’s Notebook of guided messages about the Year 2021
30th 10.33pm - 31st 1.07am, December 2020. Full Moon Sunrise at 9.11pm. Australia Victoria Time.
Elegance of Life
Elegance of Life like flower so perfected you cannot find fault.
Seeing the Beauty in Life, Garden of Life for the first time that preserving its essence is now a must.
Pristine, Fresh touch of True Life.
Garden of Love
End of story to the start
We were taught that we must start at the beginning and work through to the end to find what is at the end of a story. What if for the first time we can embrace the aroma and essence of the end of the story first and work our way to the start as to how it all began? It will become a total surprise as to how knowing the outcome first makes it suddenly all the more exciting at wanting to know the whole story all the way to the start.
The Orchard – Apples and the ‘Universal air of merry contentment’
A new way of life
A new kind of gratitude will evolve or surface or appear. One ever so much more tender and special, its fragrance will become everlasting in memory for years to come.
The oath of Abundance of the heart and Soul will become more apparent and obvious to see.
Glimpses of Sunlight will seep even through the darkest of souls or nights. And the impossible will become possible for the Light-hearted souls.
33 will have become more redefined so as to be seen for its truth – calmness, rest, unity, union, oneness, and whole.
Nature, gardens will become more appreciated for their natural state, and not suppressed controlled or rigid acts placed upon them. For nature is free and wild, and although understandable in constraints where seem necessary, must be done with great thought for life, love and true life.
Unicorns will be returned as what they always stood for - Majestical and GraceFull
More will become drawn deeper within themselves to beatify not so much the outer, but more the soul within with virtues of humbleness, love, grace, remorse, forgiveness of self, nurturing, re-alivening the desire to live, to become what the soul’s purpose was intended for on Earth, to create, to embrace and Thrive and explore the horizons with integrity and true meaning.
Worth of the soul will become more prominent in the coming years.
Things will be done with greater thought, inspired with wonder, Love and a special way of feeling happiness. The most unique yet most special sacred items will bring blissfullness than the gadgets and complexity of noisy elements.
For those living authentically, it will become naturally effortlessness in knowing what elements of life connect and resonate with you. And for those searching for life’s truth, you’ll suddenly have revelations, epiphanies, and concepts of life that would create in-depth intricate projects that might be time consuming but will become the core of what True Life is all about, creating everlasting Magic of the pure elegance, an essence like the flowers that bloom so magically.
‘MIA MIA’ means HOME in aboriginal language, and yet it is an acronym for Mothers in Australia.
This year will become a focus on wanting to return to birth towns, cultures, homes once resided in, or even the feeling to belong to a community of connected souls. It will also be about returning to natural elements of life and nature, to return to true virtues of life and in respecting Animals and the planet itself, and in how children are viewed or treated.
The sun will also become home to many who will realise blocking the sun does not serve a purpose nor manipulating nature for selfish purpose, as consequences are now becoming amplified.
‘wise choices’ are certainly noteworthy and one would be more wise to become more educated in how animals, children, nature ought to be respected. It is The leading way nowadays.
Tall Beings
There will be more extremely tall beings and some with exceptionally long white hair soon to appear or be seen. You’ll understand their ways of life instantly. They are highly connected souls who have dark skin complexions. Most being of origin that I myself have not heard of before, They are loyal to nature and all its inhabitants of authenticity, and are not easily swayed to do wrong nor cause harm or create sequel events for selfish motive.
They are very open honest and will stop you instantly should you try to block their path of progress for a more meaningful life. Their tolerance is Zero, They simple are here to accomplish one purpose in life, to restore The Earth to Pristine Essence and heal the world at Large.
Corporate organisations, authoritarian groups, Associations of control status, and greed mongrels will soon have to realise their days of destruction are over.
Five, 5 = 2021 = GRACE
5 - Positive Changes, ArchAngel Michael of Protector, Justice, and Truth, ArchAngel AriAL the bearer of News, and More Amazing News will unfold.
Visions and Inner Child
More persons will begin to have visions that bring hope and smiles to their hearts. Flashes of Inspiring ideas, or Colours to create with, or places to discover or move to, or drawings to utilise or even ways of belief systems being re-evaluated, or in how you live. There are more who will suddenly have an inexplicable urge to do something that is more deeper and meaningful and has an even more rewarding effect to the soul.
The ‘Inner Child’ will be studies more or evaluated. The ‘Inner Child’ is significant to the progress of evolution of Life.
There will be an increase number of souls who’’ want to now understand and want to know more of The Truth of life, and not what was taught to them in mainstream lines or through childhood beliefs projected upon them.
Wave of Change
There will be a sudden increase of wave that will initiated a willingness to change, a wanting to make the change to a more loving, respectful, wonderful, graceful, colourful, joyful, fulfilling life that brings the best of amazing abilities and talents that were hidden or compressed/suppressed for so long for so many reasons.
This is where you’ll start to see amazing talent out there rise that will motivate or create a catalyst in you joining the movement of healing and Thriving, instead of victimisation and destruction.
Unity will become a core element in sharing our skills, resources and abilities to helping one another, not to rise in fame or games but to rise in Love and Strength and Loyalty to life.
The turn around of events will now start to become obvious to the eyes, to the sight. The ‘Fruition’ will give rise to greater union.
The saying ‘it is written in the starts’ will have many astrologists come forth and finally take the imitative to make the positive change to the mainstream Astrology readings; to incorporate the true readings that show not the significant 12 planets 12 houses but in fact the greater number so as to help more people, rather than put them in only ‘limited’ ‘compartmentalized categories’. So the way we read horoscopes and astrological readings will advance. This is beneficial if we are to evolve or grow or develop or thrive or understand.
Truth will cultivate our heartsLET YOUR GARDEN SING
“ We run wild in all directions
unable to make informed decisions
because the Truth of our ways
are constantly veiled with injustices,
upon Silence of the Mind,
Silence in our presence,
something remarkable occurs.
We see clearly in our feelings,
our hearing the depth of Silence
The Tremendous Beauty of Surprise
To Unfold.
We already have grasped the Silence but now is a choice to actually
fully embrace the Surprises.
Truth will cultivate our Heart.”
Para Kas-Vetter
“To dream is to open your heart to a new possibility.’There are Some things that cannot be changed.
Adѐle Basheer
There are Some things that cannot be changed. They are
Pure Innocence
Beauty of The Soul
The True Fragrance of The Flower of Life.
Education will be restructured so that persons will be able to make worthwhile decisions that are of a spiritual meaning, a more defined essence of Science and worth, and a perspective more rewarding for the outcomes of life.
Educational Establishments currently will begin to cease in how we have known them since for at least 130 years.
There are some things that will be kept hidden because they are too sacred to the naked eye. However, the memory will start to be investigated more both from scientific/medical or spiritual perspective and this is to entice ways of how to remember so that, what is so sacred hidden won’t become a luring act but a natural ability to recall.
What’s sacred, whilst the world is restructuring, getting ‘cleaned up’, the Sacred life reveals itself only to the True Almighty who will Treasure and respect and fulfil those paths shown.
More Surprises
More Surprises will be revealed. More Spectacular events.
A Treasure Chest Box has started to open. The excitement unbearable to contain.
Dreams of the heart will be reignited, remembered and hope rekindled to pursue again with memories being reality again. Some past memories worth reliving.
© Cindy Lever Photography
The Lord of The Rings Oracle by Terry Donaldson
The Elves
“We enter a verdant glade and find ourselves confronted by a small group of tall, elegant-looking beings. They look human, yet so defined that they must be at an advanced evolutionary stage. We are astonished at their gracefulness. They speak to us, but we are not sure if we hear them physically, or through some long - dormant telepathic faculty deep with our brain.
We find ourselves enchanted, and are led toward what must be their home. We follow them without a qualm. This can be no chance meeting. As we walk, we can “hear”the delightful laughter - it is as if these being speak in a form of ethereal, magickal, musical intonation!
Esoteric meaningful
The Elves were intended by the Creator to be the Firstborn on Middle-earth. They would never actually die, unless slain; they would ‘fade’ into another plane.
They awoke before the emergence of humanity. In world mythology, they are the caretakers of the planet, guardians of ancient lore, and masters of healing. They are traditionally represented as possessing great understanding and insight.
Personal Indications
A time of reunion.
Greater associations with those on your own wavelength,
New friendships of an Inspirational Nature.
A downloading of “higher” energies into your life.
The need for trust.
Fulfilment of life’s purpose.
The need to renew that which has been positive in your life.
Cultural, creative, musical, and artistic themes entering your life.
A time to Embrace.
A time to love.” page 47
The Dragon Tarot by Nigel Suckling
“ Luck, Peace, Plenty, Contentment, Growth.
The Sun Radiates its BLESSINGS upon the world, its benevolent dragon breathing warmth and life into nature. The garden wall by which the children happily play signifies the shelter provided by an ordered world. The card symbolises the joys of peace and civilisation that allow the things, not least the arts, to bloom. Amid such conditions almost any new enterprise you contemplate will flourish.
Upright meaning
Good fortune, material success, energy, and joy are all promised by this card as whatever you undertake is blessed. New beginnings are suggested by the children and the sunflowers craning for the sky. This is a good time for new partnerships in all spheres of life and for refreshing your spirits through simple enjoyment of the good things on offer.” Page 33
Para Kas-Vetter
*"Philosophia" *Writer *Oracle *Spiritual *Creative
Sòlance Voyage Gallery
‘Sacred Whispers’ ‘Sacred Journey’ ‘Spiritual Quest’
A Pilgrimage to Unlock the Sacredness of Life.