Life Is Your Practice | Heavenletters
JAN 14 2021
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
Consider that when difficulties come, you are being given an exercise to stretch your heart and soul. You are going to become so resilient. You will be so resilient that you will not know difficult nor easy. Difficult and easy will be all the same to you, just as whether you eat chicken or fish or steamed vegetables or peach cobbler – whatever food you eat — eating is the same. You bite, chew, and swallow.
You will meet all situations amicably. You will deal with each as it presents itself. You will deal with each on its own merit, or rather, on your own merit. There will be no big problems, only something to take care of, from one to the next, rather like shuffling cards and dealing them, one after the other. Whether the card is an ace or a trey, you deal it out the same.
You will be more laid back in life. This is equanimity, beloveds. You are practicing it now. Life is your practice. Big bump, little bump, you will bounce the same.
As fast as you count out dollar bills, and spend one after the other, you are done with them. So will present difficulties be, in one door, out the other. Like mail you receive, and mail you take care of, and then it is done.
You will be in a state where your balance cannot be interrupted. You will be anchored. You will be like a dancer who bends down and gets up. It makes no difference to the dancer whether he is up or he is down because this is the dance, and dancers dance. Feet on the ground or flying, the dancer is happy.
Just as you sing a song, low note or high note, you lustily sing the song.
It is life you are singing, not bare notes.
You move in life stepping from one stone to another, and you have crossed the pond and are now on the other side. You hopped, skipped, and jumped.
Miracles and what you call problems are the same. There is no difference. There is no big nor small. Peach trees bear peaches. Fig trees bear figs. That you are alive on Earth is a miracle. Life is a tree that bears miracles. Even the problems that present themselves are miracles! Where did they come from? How did they get here?
It is like you are in a marching band. One day you play the tuba. The next the fife. You beat drums or you toss the baton high. Regardless of the instrument you play, you are in a marching band, and you are marching, marching, marching.
This is how it is that there is no good nor bad. It is just one more leaf after another falling from a tree, and you rake them. You are here on Earth for a reason. Perhaps you are here to pick up leaves. Perhaps you are here to sweep streets. Perhaps you are here to wash clothes. Perhaps you are here to sail the ocean. Perhaps you are here to watch the sunrise. And all of what you do is stretching the muscles of life.
Whether you climb upstairs or downstairs, it is exercise. Whatever you are doing and wherever you are, you are exercising. Wealthy or poor, you are exercising. Prisoner or guard, you are exercising. As you perform, as you act in life, as you move, you are exercising. It is all practice, and you are all gaining strength. And along with strength, you are gaining flexibility, and resilient will you be.
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Life is your Practice | Heavenletters #1752
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/14/2021 10:24:00 PM