(Golden Age of Gaia)
January 10, 2021, jennifercrokaert.com
My beloved brothers and sisters, I am here with an important message: Keep It Simple.
Yes, there is much in your world that is confusing and even overwhelming; it is as if you are in a pressure cooker and the pressure is being increased continuously, and it will continue to increase for a while yet.
My role here is not to tell you what is to come but to provide you with tools to develop Emotional Mastery during your Ascension.
Your emotions are the front line of this seeming war between the light and the shadow. It is your emotions of light ~ love, forgiveness, patience, compassion, peace, joy, creativity ~ where victory is found.
This is an important point, the war is already won. The result is a given…the only outcome is a victory for the light. However, you do have to walk through the process of creating that victory. Your heart is the front line. Your emotions are your role in manifesting this victory.
By focusing on kindness, patience, love, compassion, forgiveness and the innumerable qualities of the light, you create an easier passage through this turmoil, you shorten the time of confusion, and bring forward in your timeline the end of this chapter.
You are the strongest of the strong. The greatest lovers in the multiverse! It was known how difficult this mission would be, so it was only entrusted to those who truly had arrived in the sacred inner sanctum of the heart. If you are here, it is because you are equal to this sacred undertaking.
You are ready. You have already won. You need only walk towards victory by expressing the qualities of love in your now moment.
So, let us turn our attention to Simplicity Now. When you bring your attention into your now moment, you become focused and productive. You collapse all timelines into your point of power, your Now Moment. In your now moment, it is simple… are you being love?
Do you bring love to this task? To this now moment? Do you bring the shadow emotions of anxiety, stress, fear, gossip, envy, criticism, stealing, cheating, deceit…? The list is a long one.
By focusing on your now moment, you create simplicity and clarity in your life, which allows you to choose to express the light within. Yes, it is hard: but you can still smile. Yes, it is painful; but you can still choose to be kind. It is within you. You have that power to go deep and pull from the infinite reserves of the heart.
When you get lost in the ‘news’ from the media, the constant updates of social feeds, the wonder and worry of what will happen next, you have lost your simplicity and your now moment focus; you have wandered into a ‘no man’s land’ of anxiety, speculation and fear.
With or without your worry, this victory is assured. Without your worry, it assured even more quickly.
My beloveds, your mastery is achieved in your now moment and in your clear focus on expressing love in what you are doing Now.
Keep it Simple Now | Ashian via Jennifer Crokaert
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/11/2021 10:01:00 PM