Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Heart Center Opening | Judith Kusel

(Golden Age of Gaia)

by Judith Kusel

We are at a crucial junction now on planetary and collective consciousness levels, where we literally are confronted with the collective lessons of Atlantis. During the time of Atlantis, the Atlanteans totally divorced the mind from the heart, and then invented such technology, which became heart-less, compassion-less, and thus in the end their own technological inventions, caused them to totally self-destruct and thus the Great Flood occurred. Life was forced to start all over again, but now in the lowest dimensional state, of the 3D, lower than the animal Kingdom.

As we now have reached the state where the Heart Center, is opening at mass levels, and where we truly now need to step back into balance between the heart and mind, the Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine, as the only way, or key to advance into the higher dimensional state of the New Earth. The New Golden Age is about balance, harmony, Unity and thus Oneness.

In Atlantis, the mind made for heart-lessness, where robots took over, and the self-same robots later destroyed their masters, as they went out of control. I will not go deeper into this as this is just a reminder of what we are capable of inventing, to our own detriment. For if you start cutting out the humaneness, the heart, the feelings, and the deepest intuitive knowing, you are trying to create what is not in harmony with the Divine Laws nor with Creation itself.

It only through the open heart, the soul, that we can access the highest knowledge, which indeed is available to every single soul on earth. The mind cannot stretch that far for the mind goes into overdrive of what which it cannot control nor figure out. The most highly advanced knowledge requires the soul steeped in Omni-versal Love, Light and Insight, and Wisdom to access it, and thus co-create within the Divine Laws. When one co-creates in Oneness, you cannot create anything which is not in harmony with the Greater Whole. You co-create with Love and within the Power of Love, and thus lovingly and compassionately. There is a great respect for all of life and thus every living soul and spirit within the greater creation, for all is conscious and all holds within it the self-same Divine Source, from whom all life has sprung.

The Hopi Prophesy says it so beautifully: that in this momentous time, those who are true to the highest within themselves, their own heart and soul and the greater calling, and following the sacred paths, will step and are stepping through the wormhole, (as some have already) and thus emerge and function on the New Earth. Yet those who carry on as before, will cause their own destruction.

This is, indeed, Atlantis all over.

Every soul has free will and choice.

What you choose, is what you will ultimately experience, for it is what you choose to create.

Judith Kusel