From a Drop in the Ocean to a Storm
If you look at the world and it brings your energy down, then you are not contributing; you are actually helping maintain that. If you can look at the world with appreciation and deepen that gratitude, you are actually changing the vibration of humanity through the morphic field. And yes, you changing is just a drop in the ocean, a tiny, tiny, tiny, immeasurable amount of change. But there are thousands like you. In fact, there are hundreds of thousands like you. So, this drop in the ocean is more like a storm that is beginning to happen. Focus on that. Focus on uplifting those around you. Support them in seeing the change rather than seeing the pain and suffering -- not to ignore it, but realize that where you put your focus, where you allow your energy to vibrate -- that is your contribution to the world, to humanity. Ok?
- Alcazar
Understanding the Vibration of Gratitude, Thanksgiving, 2019