Yellow journalism Credit: Contentinsights.com
By Steve Beckow, January 17, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Ending the Meme War, Inside and Out – Part 1/2
You know that I’d like us all to end the meme war (1) and come back to civil discourse.
We’ll do it eventually but it may be a long road back.
To contribute to that outcome, as Kathleen would remind me, I have to end the meme war inside. And to do that, I have to find it.
And when I looked, I found it. And what I saw had bearing on my thinking, speaking, and writing.
Since I mainly write, let me restrict myself to the meme war outside and inside in writing.
Regarding the former, at one end of its spectrum of journalism is the kind of journal you buy at the supermarket checkout stand, which often falls under what Wikipedia calls “yellow journalism.”
“Yellow journalism and the yellow press are American terms for journalism and associated newspapers that present little or no legitimate, well-researched news while instead using eye-catching headlines for increased sales.[1] Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism. By extension, the term yellow journalism is used today as a pejorative to decry any journalism that treats news in an unprofessional or unethical fashion.” (2)
The term originally referred to a popular nineteenth-century comic-strip character called the Yellow Kid, whose naivete translated into a lack of discernment and crazy outcomes.
Mainstream news focuses on brushfires, Covid, the election – all disasters or frauds engineered by the deep state. It resorts to hyperbole and sometimes outright dishonesty.
If we think of how far people will go with disputes, we might remember that the cabal wanted to start a nuclear World War III. The latter will never happen. The galactics won’t allow it. (3) But they’ll go to whatever extremes are necessary to “win.”
But I’m more concerned with us lightworkers.
Our coverage, in my humble opinion, has been infected by memes, reductionism, sloganeering.
It’s getting more and more tainted with exaggeration and ad hominem arguments (personal attacks).
These practices vitiate whatever factual pretensions we may make. They impair credibility.
We face two pitfalls at the best of times: (A) we’re on the fringes of knowledge and so we have a harder time finding facts one way or the other to prove what we know and hear to be true and (B) we tend to think we have “the truth,” which is what we’re after, isn’t it? But we can get arrogant about it.
Then, on the spectrum, there’s the kind of reportage that’s closer to neutral. They use what the galactics call “Perro” language – devoid of emotion or drama. Just the facts, ma’am.
This is the kind of language and usage that was expected of me as a refugee adjudicator. We had to speak in neutral language.
I was overseen by the Federal Court so there were serious mechanisms and checks in place to see that I remained in integrity. Little did I know I was being trained.
As we approach the center of the spectrum more and more closely, there’s less and less interest in what’s happening in the world and more and more interest in what’s happening inside of me and you. Journalism becomes more and more spiritually-focused.
I’d be happy if lightworker journalism, some parts of which need to cover this Ascension phase of accountability (4) so we know where we’re at with things, returned to Perro. That’s actually my goal.
Sensationalistic journalism is not going to be a feature of our ascended future.
How do I know that? Because we’re ascending into transformative/transfigurative love, such as exists in the higher planes, which I know from experience (A) will satisfy us completely, removing any need or desire to be clever, powerful, or affirmed and (B) will wipe us clean, instantly, of (most of) the memory of all issues and resentments, ego needs and patterned behavior. (5)
For the same reason I feel safe in saying that no yellow journalism, court corruption, or venal politics will go with us into the higher-vibrational regions either. One experience of the higher dimensions and one would see right away why that’s an impossibility.
In the end, it’s only a question of how criminality is stopped and how decency and morality are reawakened. We journalists can contribute by ending the meme war and returning to the helpful standards of civil discourse.
Tomorrow I’d like to talk about the meme war inside.
(Concluded tomorrow, Part 2.)
(1) By “meme war” I mean the use of ad hominem arguments through slogans, memes, and hashtags which reduces a discussion from one of heart speaking to one of attack.
(2) “Yellow Journalism,” Wikipedia, at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_journalism.
(3) See “Repost: No War for the World,” December 28, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/category/news/accountability/no-war-for-the-world/ and “AAM: There Will be No Nuclear War … Period,” September 5, 2017, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/09/05/aam-there-will-be-no-nuclear-war-period/.
(4) Accountability refers to the phase of Ascension that sees a transition of power from current planetary management to new NESARA-mandated management. Those who have committed serious criminal acts such as human-rights abuses or war crimes will have their cases heard.
NESARA refers to the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. an Act of the American Congress that has not yet been proclaimed, that mandates extensive economic, political, judicial, and other reforms. Matthew Ward considers it the Divine Plan for Earth in this age. (“NESARA = The Divine Plan,” December 22, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/12/22/nesara-the-divine-plan/.)
(5) Apparently a small part of the memory of our issues and upsets is retained for our learning.

By Steve Beckow, January 17, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Ending the Meme War, Inside and Out – Part 2/2
(Concluded from yesterday, Part 1.)
The meme war could only be going on outside if it was going on inside.
And I feel it operating inside.
In my speaking, I still exaggerate and slip into drama.
When I get irritated, I go out of relationship by getting angry. I don’t stop soon enough. I’m fertile for meme-warfare recruitment.
I allow myself to believe that complex things can be summarized in a single sentence. I pretend to have knowledge of something when I really don’t. These are vital tools for fighting a meme war.
All of this is reductionism (1) and polarization and makes me an easy target if I wasn’t supported by a network of folks, seen and unseen, who remind me what direction is forward.
In my worst moments, I think to myself, it’s going to take so long to recover, to get back to a creative and productive civil discourse, that it all seems hopeless.
In even trying to persuade other professionals to calm down and return to neutral reporting, I feel like a pacifist in boot camp.
Meme wars are born of the need to be right, successful, and winning and attribute our mistakes, losses, and defeats to others. That is distinctly Third Dimensional and ego-born and wouldn’t survive a microsecond in the inner tsunami of love.
But sooner or later, we’ll be returning to neutral reporting … no, we’ll have a New Journalism to go along with the Ocean of Love we’ll be sailing upon.
At that time, when we look back, what will we see as the way we participated?
(1) Reductionism is “the practice of simplifying a complex idea, issue, condition, or the like, especially to the point of minimizing, obscuring, or distorting it.” (WWW Dictionary at https://www.dictionary.com/browse/reductionism.)