Dear Friends,
After a very challenging year of 2020 we have arrived at the closing weeks. I am sure most of you have been affected by the Cov_id pandemic in some way, with our lives being changed by lockdowns and curfews, as I have experienced here in Cape Town. But it is good that we understand these challenges as part of a major shift and transition in our lives and on our planet.
December is a "power month"! We have just entered an energetic "corridor" that will deliver us to a powerful moment : the 21:12 at the Solstice!
We began this transition at the 12/12 on the 12th of December, a portal that opens to the Abundance and Compassion of the Divine Feminine. I celebrated this with my Community, and feel honoured to be able to share our Ceremony with you. Maryanne Savino and I collaborated for this session:
The next big moment will be on the 18th December when the Sun aligns with the Galactic Center and the Great Central Sun. The Golden Light of the Sun merges with the White Diamond Light of the Central Sun creating a powerful transmission of Light Codes to the Earth.
Then we have the Solstice on the 21st December. This is special this year for two powerful reasons. Firstly, the original people of Australia will be conducting a ceremony at Uluru (formerly Ayres Rock) to initiate a new relationship between the Sun and the Earth, and to initiate a New "Dream" for the Planet in the place of the "Dreamtime". They are calling for support and connection globally as they realign the "Rainbow Serpent" of the Earth with the Sun. This will involve a powerful cleansing and realignment that will be felt on the Earth as we move into 2021. The beautiful image at the top of the page is by Leanne Ta Iki Anawa, and features Uluru and the Serpent energy of Earth.
Then, also, on the day of the Solstice, the power planets Jupiter and Saturn will be conjunct at 0 degrees of Aquarius, which is believed to be a potent symbol of the start of the new "Age of Aquarius". This conjunction will be visible in the sky as the two planets will seem like one bright star. A new "Christmas Star" signalling the return of the Christ Consciousness to Earth.
Archangel Michael also speaks of the Return of the Feminine Christ and the frequency of Mary Magdalene to the Earth in 2021. This is exactly 800 years since the prophecy in 1321 that the Cathars (followers of Mary Magdalene) would return to the Earth.
There is so much to celebrate and to be grateful for as we move towards 2021. I am excited to be offering a new webinar series at the end of January for the Aquarius Gate Portal, where you can learn about the Aquarian age, the return of the Magdalene and the rise of the new Age of Community. I will send out a mail about this early in the new year.
I wish you a warm and wonderful festive season with your families and closest friends, and I look forward to connecting with you again in the New Year.
with Love and Blessings
Upcoming Solstice Solar Energy Portal | Celia Fenn
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/16/2020 10:51:00 AM