By Steve Beckow, December 10, 2020
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Recent events have helped me understand the notion of a “fallen angel.”
In western society – or the part of it I grew up in – we tended to think of a fallen angel as evil, degraded, demonic.
But, as Archangel Michael once tried to explain to me, that’s not what it refers.
What it refers to is an incarnated angelic who becomes so fixated on lower-dimensional pleasures, situations, and exigencies that they fail to heed the call to return.
Archangel Michael: Fallen angels are simply those who chose to explore, to be adventurous and to go. But you need to be very clear about this because none of the fallen angels have remained fallen angels. (1)
That, he explained, was the case with Lucifer. It was a loving party that went and fetched him and he now has resumed his archangelic service.
I never understood that completely. I wondered how one could get that swept up in material things and events.
But sweeping myself up in the election excitement and then being called back has given me the feel, now, for that very circumstance or situation. I was off on my horse with Paul Revere, waking up the town.
Hindus have a parable about the seductiveness of Third-Dimensional pleasures and partisanship.
Shiva incarnated in the animal kingdom, as a pig. He so enjoyed rolling in the mud, cuddling with Mrs. Pig and their seven piglets, that Heaven had to send Vishnu with a trident to kill Shiva’s mortal form. When Vishnu did, Shiva immediately awoke and returned to Heaven.
I really get it. Get the adrenaline pumping, add a tablespoon of self-righteousness, and a love of the chase and off we go! The excitement of it all is seductive. We forget what we came to do.
I just needed a prod from a sword of blue. And a little bit of time to wake up, grumble, and get it.
It’s like being in love. While you’re in it, you’re blind. Once you’re out of it, you see more clearly. However … I still miss the thrill of watching an historic change in planetary management plus a clean-up of corruption.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Mar. 23, 2016.
The Notion of a Fallen Angel | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/10/2020 10:24:00 PM