By Steve Beckow, December 5, 2020
(Golden Age of Gaia)
On Nov. 7, 2020, the Divine Mother gave us our mission:
“This Pause gives you the time, the critical time, to go deeply within your heart and truly examine what lies there. This Pause that I give you gives the time to be the observer. You have done the participant; now be the observer and look to behaviors, look to attitudes, look to kindness, to sweetness, to fairness.” (1)
That can’t come as a surprise to many readers here. We’ve been cleansing, purifying, and letting go for quite some time now.
I went deeply into my heart recently and saw hostility and self-servingness lying there. That was pretty shocking for me. It didn’t fit my self-image.
But it does explain why I have difficulty feeling compassion. Or maybe I should say, feeling compassion deeply. I care enough to “keep up appearances.” But it’s only an appearance.
OK, that certainly shook me up. Is this the kind of self-examination the Mother is asking us for?
To fully understand this request, we have to add to it what the Mother has said previously about her tsunami of love at this moment having never been as copious. The energies are supporting us to divest ourselves of all our old junk, resentments, baggage, etc., lifting us up to where what mattered before no longer does.
We might think of it as the play having ended, the characters are coming onstage to take a bow. The characters don’t carry over resentment from an illusory play. And yet this life is an illusory play too. Why should we carry resentments forward? The Mother exp;lains:
“This is your time to come into yourself and forgive yourself for righteous attitudes, for blame, and shame, and guilt… and then, to forgive everyone involved. And then, to turn the page, not through violence, not through dis- or misinformation but claiming your co-creative, human, Gaian, angelic, star-being, your creative power to bring forth worlds that work.” (2)
If how we feel is most important to us, have we ever stopped, as in this Pause, to look at how it feels to resent? (Rotten.) To hate? (Absolutely awful.) And yet we’re doing this to ourselves.
Someone compared it to drinking poison and hoping the other person would die. As the runt of the litter, I spent a lot of time doing exactly that.
How’s it working? Never worked. However I never extended my awareness to the level where I clearly saw what I was doing and not doing.
And I felt myself getting value from dragging my resentments around so I wasn’t motivated to look.
All of this less-than-evolved behavior has now reached the end of the road.
If I want to go forward, I have to leave it all behind. Like a defeated army surrendering its weapons, I feel naked and vulnerable, uncertain of what’s next, but just glad that the fighting is over.
(1) “Universal Mother Mary – My Divine Pause and the American Elections,” Nov. 7, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/11/07/linda-dillon-universal-mother-mary-my-divine-pause-and-the-american-elections/
(2) Loc. cit.
The End of the Road | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/06/2020 01:34:00 AM