Credit: sott.net
By Steve Beckow, December 28, 2020
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I’d like to look at the build-up of cognitive dissonance as another opportunity for observing a vasana (or core issue), in this case, triggered by increasing dissonance.
Usually a vasana is triggered by a comment but in this case it was triggered by a build-up of inner conflict.
The build-up occurred a week ago and I’m looking back on it. I postponed posting until after Xmas.
The inner hubbub was all around: “To post or not to post on the political?” The dissonance was building inside me.
While I may have involved other people in my misery, the issue itself doesn’t involve other people. There was a war going on inside of me.
On the one hand, I was watching the greatest show on Earth unfold before my very eyes and, on the other hand, most channeled sources were saying stay away from the political – and I don’t even like the political anyways, which further confused me! Who was it then inside of me that was voting for “the political”?
Dissonance only builds because we don’t see a way through the conflicting perspectives we’re entertaining. Both sides are correct in their domains. But how do we reconcile them?
Well, let’s walk through my own process.
On the one hand, posting on the political might have a negative effect, lowering vibration; on the other hand, the greatest show is unfolding before our eyes and I want “a ringside seat.”
At a feeling level, a gut level, or an emotionally-true level, that’s how it feels for me. “Stay awake. You don’t want to miss this.”
And then a realization arose which settled one part of the difficulty for me.
I’ve been wrestling with the side of me that wants to cover events. Its opposition says, keep out of the rabbit hole. Stay away from the political.
But there’s another voice that draws near to the flame. I’ve mixed it up with the political, which doesn’t make sense and that has given rise to confusion.
That other voice is the source of my interest, even passion. What was it?
Well, by training I’m a historian – a cultural historian. I have a love of the historical and the historic and a desire to memorialize the big events of our time. It’s this voice that’s riveted to events, even if finding an accurate account to base my own on is difficult.
At no time in Earth’s history have bigger events been occurring. Can anyone think of a time of greater importance, significance, potentiality? I can’t.
How does a historian stand on the sidelines of the most significant event in human history – the change in planetary management – and not report on its happening? I could do it, but there’d be no passion. So I’m champing at the bit to watch events as an historian, not as a student of politics.
This is one source of my dissonance – loyalty to the channeled version but passion for the historic.
Seeing where the interest comes from has untangled one of the knots that was causing a crimp in the energy flow, known as “dissonance.” The confusion lifts. Some clarity returns.
The truth has set me free. But not completely … I look and see that some dissonance still remains. (1)
And then a second realization arises and sets me further free.
The answer is what Archangel Michael always says. It isn’t a matter of “either/or.” It’s – and this is me speaking now – a matter of degree.
So not a total ban on the political, (2) but sparingly and the best sources available on the high and significant moments in our unfolding political saga. The rest of the coverage is on Ascension and building Nova Earth.
And let’s face it, I’m not doing this limited coverage for anyone else but me. I’m not a victim in this. It’s entirely selfish: I love the historic.
So just to review what the way through this vasana was for me. It took two realizations for my peace of mind to return: (A) The realization that my attraction to current events is not that of a political student but of an historian, which freed up the otherwise-tangled flow of energy and (B) the realization that the answer didn’t lie in either/or but in degree and quality of news article concerned.
The truth has set me free. Seeing these two things released me from the short-term upset I was in and the longer-term cognitive dissonance. This is a very minor instance of paradigmatic breakthrough from cognitive dissonance but an example nonetheless.
It’s not on the order of a whole new paradigm. But it does afford me some peace of mind.
(1) This is a layered vasana. There is one vasana under another. Once the top one is cleared, the bottom one remains and may surface.
Note that I can use increasing release to confirm for me that I’ve just said something true; I know I’m going in the right direction. “Release proves truth” may be the hypothesis that emerges from this exploration in awareness, following on from the axiom that the truth will set us free.
(2) And I’m speaking only for myself. I’m not speaking for Suzi, whose task it is to cover whatever of the political we need to be apprized of. I’m talking of me wrestling with my own ghosts, seeing my way through my own quandary, being a journalist covering our Ascension in its accountability phase.
The Build-Up of Dissonance Triggers a Vasana | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/29/2020 01:40:00 AM