Showing the Universe That Oneness Is Possible
Beloved Ones, out in this universe there is still duality. There are still those races and civilizations who have not yet chosen to be on the path of Oneness. On your Earth, there's an opportunity to bring a whole new level of evolution to the universe. Let that sink in for a moment. What you are creating here is an opportunity to show to the universe that Oneness is possible for all beings. Beings have come from around your universe, from all types, all places, and volunteered to be here, volunteered to forget where you came from. You volunteered to go unconscious, to mix and merge over generations, hundreds of generations mixing and merging, evolving. In a sense, evolving into a new species combined from the consciousness of so many different societies around your universe.
You have come from everywhere. You have all come and decided to become human, to put on this human body suit. There is a potential here for humanity to come together into Oneness. And that Oneness can influence what is occurring out in the vastness of your universe. Can you allow for that possibility? Because Beloveds, unknown to your human mind, this is why you came. This was one of the reasons you volunteered to come here so long, long ago and you have indeed struggled to bring the Oneness into being here.
- Alcazar
Going Quantum, Session 8
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